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Jimin's POV

I came at work next morning, after I woke up Minji, and his teacher and baby sitter came

I went at reception. Jungkook's table was gone and I felt sad from it.

I came to my chair, but it was ocupied

Excuse me? I said and yelled when the person turned around

Hojun, what are you doing here?

I'm working here again

That's amazing, but wait, what will be with me?

Well, mr.Jeon wanted me to give you this. He handed me two envelopes, one with red string and one white

I knew what the red one means, but I still opened it

Mr.Jeon Jimin

We regret to inform you that your employment has been terminated. You are no longer working as a receptionist.

Yours sincerely

Jeon Jungsoo

CEO of Korean food

Nice, I hissed and opened the second one

We are pleased to announce that you have been hired as assistant of Deputy CEO for Korean Food.

Please come to the Deputy CEO's office as soon as possible to sign your new employment contract.

Yours sincerely

Jeon Jungsoo

CEO of Korean food

I looked at Hojun. When it was happened?

I met Jungkook at Jin's yesterday. I told him, that the work what they offered to San was shity and the company is in before bankrupt so we came back in Seoul and he offered me my old position and he also offered post of head of finance department to San

He is on his interview at CEO Jeon right now.

Oh, that's amazing. I'm happy for you. I smiled at him, but then my smile faded away

I sighed and went to elevator to go at Jungkook's office

The door opened and Alice ran out, with box in her hands. She cried and when she saw me

She gave me hateful look. We aren't done, you prick! I will take my revenge. I hate you, Park.

I sighed and went in elevator

Why all Jungkook's women are leaving from this building with the same sentense?

I knocked at Jungkook's door

Come in

I sighed and walked in

Good morning, boss. I greeted and he smiled at me


Not at all.

Fine. He served me coffee and . Strawberry muffin

I looked at him and he was looking at me with smirk

I tasted it and it was mine receipt

You left your cook book at my place, it was the only one what you left there. So I started to bake your receipts to remaind you. When my home smelled with the deserts I has felling like you were there with me.

I looked at him and he had tears in his eyes

Jungkook. I whispered and hugged him. And he hugged me back, hugging me so tight

But I can go with muffins only. I wasn't able bake anything else.

I smiled in his embrance and then I slowly conected our lips. He kneeled in front of me and deepend our kiss, he started unbotting my shirt and when he stroked my nipple I titled my head behind to give him place for kissing my neck

I moaned when he sucked skin on my neck. He suddenly stood up and raise me up, so I tangled my legs around his hips, my shirt opened, his head on my chest, kissing me there

Ew, I'm glad I never had to go through the admissions process.

I flinched and look at door. Jin was standing there with big smile on his face

Jungkook stood me down and walked to door. You are fired, he told to Jin and slammed door in front of his face

THANK GOD! YOU ARE HORRIBLE BOSS. Jin yelled, but laugh aloud.


I looked at him and he winked at me and locked the door

But in the moment my phone started ringing


Papa I don't like the teacher


Jungkook took my phone and switched it on speaker

What happened?

Who is it? Minji asked

Your dad

Bunny boy?

I hide my smile and Jungkook looked at me with question in his eyes

Yes, we both are here, so what happened? I said

Why is he with you?

Because he is my boss

And husband, Jungkook added and I rolled with my eyes

Fine, the teacher. He told me that I'm stupid

Oh, really? Why? You are not

Because I couldn't calculate one math problem

Oh, I will talk with him later, OK?


Yes, bunny boy?

I could ask to Jugnwoo, he finished his college and he has a lot of free time. Would you like it?


Fine, so today from 6 to 8 pm at my place?


Ok, deal then. Bye

Bye bunny boy

Bye papa

Why does he call me bunny boy?

Because of your teeth when you smiled.

Hm, should I have to stop smile at him, then?


If he doesn't like it

On the contrary Jungkook. He likes it very much.

So, I found a babysiting for today's evening. May I ask you out?

Like a date? I asked


Fine. I smiled

Fine I'll pick you up at 6 pm

I laugh and went in my old office to start working. And to my surprise I found a buquet and box with chocolate with handwrited note

Welcome back, Love you, Jungkook

I kissed the note and burried my nose in the buquet with smile.

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