001: Walmart

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Irl, insta, imessage


June 4th

When Ava wakes up today its 11AM, her shift at Walmart starts at 2PM, she gets up and decides to take a shower while listening to Taylor Swift, One Direction and more. After she's done she gets dressed, does her skin care and her make-up. When she's done she goes downstairs to eat breakfast when she finds her mom in the kitchen "goodmorning mom" she says "goodmorning hun" her mom, Andrea, replies. Ava grabs a bowl and makes some cereal for herself and starts eating. After she's done she goes upstairs to watch some YouTube, when she opens YouTube she sees the 'Sturniolo Triplets' on her suggested, she never saw them before but they looked fun so she decided to watch 'REACTING TO FANFICTIONS ABOUT US *uncomfortable*.' She starts giggling as the boy in the passenger seat, Chris, starts talking about his nipple, but most of the time she was looking at Matt, she thought he was really cute. She continues to watch their video's till she had to go to work.

Ava arrives at work and sits down behind her cashier box and does her cashier stuff (idk how to call this, Im not a pro in like cashier things -author.) After about 2 hours she sees a cute boy walk into Walmart who really looked like Matt, he looked at her and smiled, she smiled back and they hold eye contact for half a minute. He gets his things and walk to her cashier box to pay "hey" he says "hi" she replies, she scans his things and says "that'll be $20,70" Matt gives her $25 "you can keep the change, maybe you can buy something with it" he says and winks at her "well, thank you so much" she says with a smile on her face "no problem, have a nice day" he says "you too" she replies and watches him leave the store, she notices that between the bills of $20 and 5$ is a little note with a phone number.


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Ava_ellisonn: saw the cutest boy ever today at Walmart😍


livcampbell: ooohhh, does someone have a crush??🤭

User: Im so happy when I see Ava smile
> User: me too

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hey, you gave me your number today at Walmart while paying, right?

Yup, thats me! You're that brunette cashier, right? with the curled hair?

yes, thats me, who are you?

Oh, sorry I forgot to introduce myself, Im Matthew Sturniolo, but you can call me Matt

wait, are you being fr?

Yes, who are you?

im Ava Ellison

Ava changed xxx-xxx-xxx to Bernard🫠

Matt changed xxx-xxx-xxx to Ava

i never thought i would meet you, i watched your video's this morning for 2 hours

2 hours!? Jesus Christ

soooo, how are you?

Im good, you?

autocaps? seriously?


turn them off please, it looks awful


thank you

you're welcome

my very first chapter, i hope yall like it its not really long but i tried my best

Cashier - Matt SturnioloWhere stories live. Discover now