Chapter 2

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As I slowly opened my Eyes, I was blended by unpleasantly bright lights. My head felt dizzy, a constant reminder of what had happened.

But did I even know what happened?
I knew that I was hit on the Back of my head. I knew that I was now sitting on a metal chair in the middle of a plain white room. No Windows, no pictures, no furniture aside from the chair. But I in fact had no Idea of what happened, where I was or how I came here. I forced my breath to steady and my heartrate to slow down. Panic wouldn’t help me. After I took a few deep breaths I began to further assess my surroundings and noticed a camera in the right hand corner of the room. The red blinking light, which proved it was recording, was irritating to no end. I f there was a way for me to get to it, I would probably break it.

I carefully rotated my head, checking for any pain and groaned as a subtle yet annoying soreness accompanied every movement. I raised my hand, which was surprisingly free, to check for blood but didn’t find any. Good.

A door I hadn’t seen before opened and a man walked through it, smiling at me.

Fuck. He’s a goddamn psycho.

He was dragging a chair behind him. The sound of it was making me cringe. Then he set it down in front of me and took a seat. His eyes roamed over me and it took everything I had not to slap him, when they lingered on my breasts.

“Well, hello. Its so nice to finally meet you.”

I had done a pretty good job at calming myself before, but now my heart was beating so hard I feared it would burst out of my chest.

“You know, my friend has been talking about nonstop for the past few months. It’s incredibly annoying. He gets obsessed. I tried to talk him out of this you know. I don’t think we need you, but it just didn’t work. So, believe me when I say that I don’t want to be here any more that you do.”

“Then let. Me. Go.”

The words came out strangled a clear representation of my fear and desperation. He laughed dryly at them.

“Afraid I can’t, doll. Not before we talk.”

The nickname made me wanna gag and hope left me completely. Until I remembered that I wasn’t restrained. I took a deep steadying breath and focused on what I knew. I had always been more observant than most people and especially in this situation that skill came in incredibly handy. The man had entered at a relaxed and steady pace and it had taken around eight seconds to reach his current position. That meant if I ran, I could reach the door in less than five. I hadn’t heard a lock which meant that I could open the door.

The man was just sitting in front of me in absolute silence. Unmoving. So I was able to listen for noises outside the room and I heard the city. So, if I got out of the building I was relatively safe. At least for now. There would be too many people around to just take me again.
I just had to get out of the building.

The only problem was the man himself. He looked like he could throw me across the whole room without any effort. Considering that and the fact that he was taller than me, he was probably faster as well, which meant that I had to wait for him to be distracted. That was exactly what I did. I couldn’t tell how much time passed but after a long while his phone rang and he answered it. That was my chance. Without hesitating another second, I jumped up and bolted for the door. I heard him cuss behind me, but didn’t dare to look back as I ripped open the door and sprinted down the hallway. I didn’t know If it was the right direction but I couldn’t stop.

Just keep running.

Then I heard his steps behind me. Heavy and fast.


I had underestimated his speed. As I somehow managed to run even faster my thighs and lungs began to hurt my breathing now ragged as I opened another door, slamming it shut behind me before continuing. Every second counted. The door opened again faster than I expected and I knew he was catching up.

Just one more step.

That was everything I could bring myself to do over and over again I promised myself.

Just one more step.

And then I felt his hand lock around my wrist. He stopped and it was like I had hit a wall. I was stopped so abruptly that I stumbled backward into his chest. He took the opportunity to wrap one of his arms around me. I crushed my elbow into his side repeatedly with all my force but he didn’t even flinch. Instead, he let out a frustrated groan and kicked the back of my left knee while loosening his grip. I fell. Within a breath he was on top of me, his legs on either side of mine right above my knees. He grabbed my arms, violently pulling them behind my back, cuffing me. I was helpless. My legs and arms were unmovable under his weight and the cuffs.

He laughed again, the sound unnerving, as he fisted my hair and pulled me up, my back now flush against him. To my absolute horror, I felt his cock pressing into my ass, most definitely hard. As my breathing and heart beat fastened and I began shaking in fear, I heard him groan right into my ear.

“I wouldn’t try that again if I was you. Unless of course you want me to fuck you in this hallway next time. It’s quite exciting don’t you think? The chase. I can’t promise I’ll be able to hold back a second time.”

His voice was rough, nearly desperate as he pressed himself into me even more, making me wince. Then he suddenly let me go, pushing me back to the ground and forcing me to turn around. Now laying on my back I looked at him with tears in my eyes.

He leaned over me propping himself up on one arm just next to my head. He brushed a strand of hair out of my face with the other, surprisingly gentle.

“Now now, no need to cry doll. We can just go back in there and wait for Loki. You don’t have to be scared I don’t want to hurt I just cant let you go either.”
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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2023 ⏰

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