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(Picture of ShaMya)
(ShaMya aka Sha; Mya)

"Come on Mya, you know me and you know I ain't goin' nowhere."
"Yea but jail is a option. I don't know Jp, I ain't ready for the consequences."
"What you think I need any kids either?"
"See when you say stupid ish like that I know it ain't real.What you gonna do if I get pregnant?" She got up out of the bed with her high school sweetheart, JP.He and ShaMya always dated on and off since 8th grade.
"What you mean Sha?"
"I mean," She said turning around, " that you ain't ready to settle down."
His phone started ringing and he quickly pressed ignore.
"What you mean Sha? I am ready to settle down?"
"Oh for real? Tell that to the hoes calling yo phone! Look Josh you my bae or whatever but you ain't ready for me."
"That was cute. But you know me better than that and it ain't like you a virgin anyway."
"Aight that's my cue... Bye."
"Wait Sha!!"
She grabbed her coat and left the house.He always made her feel like nothing. She was walking home to the same old house on Pleasant lane... where her mama worked 3-5 jobs a week to come home to Shamya and all her b.s. and Mya's older brother, Shymon; and lastly they younger brother, Shaun. As soon as she walked in Shy was standing in the living room yelling at her.
"Sha where you been. You know If Ma knew you was out at damn near 4:00 am she would get you."

"If she knew...Good thing she ain't gonna find out. Relax Mon she don't get off till 6" ShaMya walked in the kitchen and went in the fridge to find some food not looking him in the face and he followed.

"And how are you so sure? Mya I am not goin to be your Cover up man. You own your own resp-" He noticed she was avoiding to look him in the face,"ShaMya look at me."


"ShaMya Lakota look at me."She knew just as well as he did that when anyone in that house called her by her first and last name they were serious and weren't going to ask nicely again. She shut the fridge and looked at him. He seen her once smooth light skinned face turning red and soaked with tears.

"It was Josh, wont it?" His face straight and angry.

"No, Shy. Just leave it alone. " Sha walked upstairs to her Mama room. Shy followed her up the stairs.
"Tell me or I tell Ma."
"Why are you so nosey?"
"Since you were born Mama had to work ten times harder and when Shaun came ten harder than that. She loves y'all and she work to get you what you want... all she want is for you to do better than her and I'm going to make sure that she sees that even if it's from heaven."
"Even if I have to separate you and JP."
"Whatever Shy just leave it alone... but cute speech. "
ShaMya pushed him out they Mama room and lied in the bed.Sha fell asleep and Shy left for work. Shy was the type of brother that would kill for her and Shaun and tried his hardest to take the stress off their Mama.When their mother, Chardonnay, got home she layed in the bed with Sha and went to sleep. Char did a lot for her kids. She wasn't a bad person just get teenage choices effected her adult life as usual.
She does hate the fact that she slept with their 3 fathers but she wouldn't change it for the world. The next morning Sha woke up before her mother left and went to talk to her before she left. Today Char worked in the school cafeteria for summer school then as the janitor. Char was making sure that they had something to eat.
"Hey Ma."
"Hey baby girl. What you got planned today. I know you have a busy agenda but if I give you back your car could you take Shaun to get a hair cut?"
"Of course, Mama. What are you doing?"
"Nothing child. But here are your keys," She reached in her pocket and pulled out the keys to Sha's black 01 Mercedes JP bought for Mya. Char took the keys when Sha started drinking and driving," but absolutely no drinking and you have to get his hair cut for church tomorrow. Ok?"
"I got it Ma."
"Good. So what did you do yesterday?"
"Noin' me and JP wen t to see a movie."
"Oh well be good and don't forget Shaun. "
"Ok. Bye Ma. " Char left for work. Sha checked her phone Josh called her 6 times and text 8. After a long argument in her head she called him.
"Hello."he answered.
"You're so worrisome." She angered
"You like it." He stroked his ego
"Not anymore. "
"Oh for real."
"What did you want." Sha got an attitude
"Other than that?"
"Josh you up for round two? This time lights out?" A girl said in the background.
"Wow JP." Sha almost dying. She could immediately feel her heart sink through her stomach.
"No it's not like that."
"I'm done, sleep with who ever you want."
"ShaMya look- come over tonight and we can talk."
"Don't bet on it. All you do is run me on circles... if you want her, stay with her."
"I thought we were swingers anyway."
"Bye Josh." Sha hung up in his ear. Sha loved him so much but she knew he was nothing but a player. She cried in her room all day talking on the phone with her best friend Kayla Cunning aka kc. Kc lived in VA and met ShaMya when they visited their aunt 5 summers ago.
"Sha I told you to forget him and move on. Girl your pretty, you got your car back, and you 18. Go get yourself straight. "
"I know but when you with someone that long it's hard."
"I know. That's why you need to join the dark side. Once you go girls you never go back." Kc laughed.
"Girl you stupid. But what do I do?"
"You get your big butt in that black and red dress you stole from me. And you go flaunt it."
"You right."
"I know once you turn lesbian your never wrong."
"Ha aight I'll call you later."
Sha got off the phone and did just that. When she got to Josh's house he had a candle light dinner. Mya knew other than his humor, face, football muscles, and his voice, he could cook. He was dressed in pajamas, a black tank top and some blue flowing pajama pants and it was crazy because he still looked fine in his pajamas.
"Mama!'' He jokingly screamed,"come on let's eat. "
"If you or your b.s. is on the menu I'm good. "
"Ok. Lucky me I cooked shrimp lo mien."
"I ain't here for the food."which was hard for her to say because don't let the hour-glass figure fool, she can eat... it just went to all the right places.
"Ok well let's talk. "
"Not here for that either."
"Well why you here."

"To tell you something and show off this outfit but mostly show the outfit because I am done being your go to when these hit-and-run girls go. I was there for you and I'm done. Forget you, your house, and your new THOT." Sha turned to walk away.
"Wait! Can I get one last hug?" Mya thought about it and went to hug him but he wouldn't let go. He lifted her up and though she fought she couldn't win that's what 7+years of football get you. He carried her to the stairs never breaking eye contact he started going up the stairs.Josh took her into his room though he could've just stayed down stairs it was his house he bought with his drug money.
"Josh stop it." Sha said but he remained quiet.
ShaMon got home in his silver 09 Honda accord he bought for himself like the matching black one for his mom. He bought it with the money saved from college since he had gotten a full scholarship he saved up and though he didn't live with them he was always there. He walked in to find 12 year-old Shaun home alone so he figured it was Sha being irresponsible again and took him to get a hair cut and some food and quality time. He would handle Sha another time.
Josh tarted kissing Sha.
"Josh STOP!" Sha said hopelessly. She begged him to stop he smirked
"Josh!" She cried. He raped her because she asked him to stop multiple times. After what seemed like forever he stopped.Josh left out the room.She got up and fixed her clothes. When he walked back in ShaMya smacked him across his face.
"I hate you."
"Didn't seem like it. "
"You raped me."
"Hey, hey it ain't rape if you like it Sha." He laughed.
"You'll be lucky if I don't call the cops." Sha left. When she got home her mother was there.
"Hey baby girl. Where's Shaun?"
"Oh," Sha forgot all about him. She realized she was gone for 5 hours,"Shaun-"
"Is right here..." Shy walked in with Shaun.
"Sha did you take him?" Char said hugging Shaun.
"No she ain't take me nowhere. She left me in the house alone."Shaun switched.
"Oh really?" Char looked at Sha suspiciously. Shaun ran upstairs and Shy backed out slowly,"well where were you?"
Sha didn't want to start any other drama and she wasn't supposed to leave. Sha also knew that she wouldn't be able to see Josh again and she still loved him. Yes she was stupid for him but it was a long relationship between them. She may not have been his first but neither was he her's and just as he's messed up she has too, she has cheated before. So she would handle it herself.

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