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I stared at my reflection in the mirror, Dausee and reedah were right, the waxing was painful but so worth it, my skin has never looked prettier, and softer.

For some reason, I was to go for my skin treatment daily.  Mum was like, she wanted my skin to glow, as it was her last daughter's wedding.

A knock hit the door, and I turned around, placing a veil over my hair. The house was getting filled to the brim with guests.

I opened the door, and I saw Hannah smiling from ear to ear.

" As Salamualaykum. "

" Wa alaykumussalam " she replied, getting into the room, she locked the door behind her, and walked in, admiring my skin.

" I maybe Shuwaarab but your skin is prettier than mine, plus your eyes, and brown locks. " she said, after pulling my veil, and playing with my braid.

" Where do you get your eyes from? " she asked, and I replied.

" My grandmother — why? "

" Nothing. Just jealous. "

" You know, you are really pretty yourself! " I complemented, and she rolled her eyes.

" Just keep lying to yourself. Just keep on. " she said, pulling her veil off, her black ponytail falling slightly above her waist.

" Even my younger sister has longer hair than me. " she pouted, throwing the veil somewhere, when Haneed barged into the room.

" Addafsee. Ummi asks for.... " he stopped in his tracks upon seeing Hannatu, and looked at her for five seconds, before quickly closing his eyes.

" Tell your friend to dress properly. " he said, and Hannah panicked, tying the veil around her hair.

" I'm ... all... done. " she stuttered, and Haneed opened his eyes, still staring at her.

" You should knock before entering a lady's room. " I scolded him.

" I thought you were the only one here , and since the door was slightly ajar, I thought you were dressed properly. Sorry, girl. " he said to her, and she nodded.

" Ummi wants you to greet Dad's siblings. "

" Ugh! They're so many! I have to greet 38+ people. " I whined.

" I thought they were nineteen. "

" They are married you know, and plus... Some of them have two to four wives. " I explained, and he laughed, before walking away.

" Is that your brother? " Hannah asked all dreamy.

" Nope! " I stopped it before it even happens.

" Wait, you mean he's not your brother? "

" No... He is my brother, but don't even think of having any feelings for him! "

" Why? I mean.... Yeah, yeah, sure. " she said, and I knew it fell on deaf ears. She could never love Haneed. Not him! Basheer was okay, but not Haneed.


" Ugh! Finally. " I groaned, falling on my bed, Hannah beside me.

" How was it? " she asked, typing away on her phone.

" It went... Bad! I greeted more than forty five people, I was almost done, when my mother's siblings came in. My legs are so painful right now. " I said, getting up, and gulping down a cup of water.

" Sorry. I'm not the one getting married... Thank God! " she said, and I drew a long hiss.

" Ugh! I need to use the lavatory. " she said, and got up, walking into the bathroom, when I saw her unlocked phone, it was Facebook, and I saw Haneed's profile, I quickly tapped the screen before it went off.

She literally just sent him a friend request, and he literally just accepted.
Immediately she left the toilet, I kept glaring at her, and she asked.

" What crime did I commit? "

" What crime? How could you send my brother a friend request. ! " I half yelled, and she replied.

" What's wrong? "

" What's wrong? You can't love my brother! Well, Basheer, but not Haneed. "

" Firstly, I sent him a ' friend ' request, not a ' love ' request, and besides, what wrong in loving Haneed? " she asked, getting agitated.

" What is wrong is that, wait... How old are you? " I asked.

" Twenty one? "

" Exactly. Haneed is nineteen, two years difference, you are older than him. " I said, and I could see her facial expression dim in sadness.

" It's okay. " I said, engulfing into a warm hug, and she sobbed silently.

" I'm sorry, Hafsah. "

" You don't have to. "

" No... I'm sorry, I do love Haneed. It's love at first sight. " she said, and I pulled from the hug, she doesn't seem to get it.

" Even if I support it, none of our parents would? Your love is forbidden, it is a forbidden love. " I told her, and she wiped her tears, and said.

" How old was Khadijah when she married the prophet? "

" Forty. "

" The prophet? "

" 25 "

" Fifteen years difference, Hafsah. Fifteen, yet they got married. Besides, I didn't plan to, the love just engulfed my heart, did you ever plan of wedding a half - caste ?... No! It was Allah, everything happens for a reason. I may not know why he made me fall in love or admire Haneed, but I think it's because it would make a difference, it would show that Age is useless in marriage. "

" I understand, but... We may not see eye to eye ' Haneed and me, but I love him. I can't see my younger brother and bestie get hurt. If our parents forbid this wedding, then you'll be broken. " I said, and she smiled at me.

" If I marry Haneed— Alhamdulillah, if I don't marry him— Alhamdulillah. I will fight for my love, if he loves me, but if I see no hope, I'll give in to society. " she said, and I hugged her again.

" Hands off my wife! " Habibi yelled, and we broke the hug in fear, then he burst into laughter.

" You should've seen your face. You looked like rotten pumpkins. " He said, and laughed, while I hissed.

" Sorry my love. "

" I don't need it. Goodbye. " I said feigning anger, and Hannah went back to her phone.

" Really ? " he asked, and I nodded.

" Well, before I leave. Hannah, I bought these for you. " he said, and I turned around to see him giving Hannah a complementary love bag with chocolates, biscuits, sweets, candy.

I snatched it, and he laughed.

" Sorry, Hannah. " I said, and she chuckled.

" I don't even eat Chocolate, I'm allergic. "

" How can someone be allergic to Chocolate? " I asked, and she nodded. Just then, I remembered...

Haneed was also allergic to Chocolate.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2023 ⏰

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