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The sky was still bright, only a bit more cloudy than when we left. We pulled up to the side of my apartment, seungmin got out and walked me to my door.

"I'm sorry we had to cut it short, but I promised Lina that I'd be taking a longer shift." Seungin said, I nodded understanding that I couldn't keep him forever.

"Yeah I know, I had a lot of fun too but I gotta check on Felix and I....also have a photoshoot this evening." I said, as I opened my door, my head still turned towards seungmin as I spoke.

"Alright, tell your friends I said hi. I hope everything thing goes well." He smiled hopefully, tilting his head.

"Yeah me too, thanks seungmin." I said, he nodded and turned towards the stairs.

"Bye innie."



I walked over to my window and shut the blinds as the light began to give me a headache, plus I was going to have to after I call Felix anyway. Then I turned and headed to the closet, first looking to the red side of my color coded lingerie, eh no. I looked to the left and reached for a white two piece instead.

I threw off my top and then my jeans and boxers, I picked them up and threw them in the hamper before walking to the bed and putting on my outfit.

Knock* knock*knock*!!

"Huh." I turned to the door as I slipped on the last spaghetti strap over my shoulder "Who is it?" I shout as I walk towards the front door.

"It's me innie!" Felix whined from the other side. Oh gosh, guess I won't have to call him after all.

I looked down to my outfit. Its definitely not house guest friendly attire but whatever, it's just Lix.

I opened the door, instantly greeted by Felix falling into me, his arms wrapped around my waist. "Jeongin, I don't know what to do!" He cried.


"L-Leeknow, he- I"

"Alright, alright just chill out." I said as I pulled him inside and closed the door behind me.
"Was the fight that bad, what did he say?" I asked, Felix was now slouching in front of me before flopping back onto the bed.

"No, no you don't understand we already made up, we're not fighting anymore." He said as he sat up, his eyes red and puffy.

"Then what's the problem? I mean you look like you've been crying Lixie?" I asked as I sat next to him.

"I don't know what happened, we were just apologizing and then he kissed me." He blurted out, his voice cracking. Jesus it's about time..

"Oh my gosh, really?" I asked feigning Surprise, Felix shook his head.

"Y-yeah and I didn't stop him, I don't know why i-i just, and then we just kept kissing, then his phone rang and h-he said he had to go." Felix explained hiding his face in his palms.

"Oh shit....did he say why?" I asked.

"No! He just left, I mean what the hell do I do now- what am I gonna do when I see him again?" He cried.

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