twenty seven

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Christmas break, finally a relief from the noise and bustle of the first semester of new students. Though none of the students seem particularly promising or have talents as heavily explored as they were when I attended, we intend to be patient (or as patient as Lesso can handle) before harsh expectations are thrown at them. Regardless, it's the winter break and with very little staff and students remaining, I propose a date of sorts to Leonora.

"Hey love." I walk into our shared room and wrap my arms around her waist. She leans into my embrace before taking my hands and dancing with me around the room, spinning me under her arm and closing her act with a kiss. I melt into her, embracing the display of affection.

"Hey sweetheart." She hums softly against my lips, the vibrations burning my skin like a rash - infectious,"Hell, do I love you." She spins me again and a smile plays on my lips as her eyes take in my body.

"I would sure hope so, Lady Lesso." She grins and continues fixing her hair in the mirror, flaming locks taking their familiar shape once more, conforming into perfect coils of wilderness and frenzy. I move in front of her. "I did, however, come to ask you if you would come Christmas shopping with me. Whilst we still have the time."

She tilts her head, eyes glimmering with amusement and for a moment I think she is going to say no and continue with her hair. Instead she plants her hands on my waist. "Are you asking me out on a date Miss DeVil?"

"Maybe." Relief flooded my body as our usual humour set into place, the meticulous web of self doubt destroyed instantly by a tsunami.

"Then I have no choice to accept." I grin as she finishes up her hair and turns to take both my hands in hers. In a blink of an eye we're stopped outside a bustling market place, different from the one we saw last time. Calmly, her hand slides into place with mine and her figure drags me through the crowd.

We go from shop to shop, buying gifts for Clarissa, Zylia, Anemone and a few other members of staff, until we split and head in separate directions to find eachother a gift.

I head to a bookstore first, browsing through books from the classic and horror section. I settle on 'The strange case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde' as well as 'Carmilla'. Satisfied I make my purchase and head to a jeweler next door to buy a ring. Not to propose, we haven't been together again long enough for such event, but to promise a future together.

The ring I pick out is silver, the band wide to fit with her others, but is studded with small ruby's. I pull the ring off my finger (that belongs to Lesso) to get the size checked and conceal the gift in my pocket. Finally I head to a flower shop to pick up a bouquet of black and red roses before meeting back with her.

She's stood waiting by a cafe and when I meet with her I hand her the bouquet. She laughs and smiles to herself, "What?" Tilting my head I watch in amusement as she reveals a bouquet of black red and white roses from behind her back. I take them and thank her, chuckling at the similarity in our thoughts.

"Let's get something to eat." She links our arms, hands overrun with bags and gifts. Once seated Lesso and I risk teleporting some of the stuff back into our room. Wether or not it makes it back we'll find out later. We order and the service is quick considering the place is rather empty in stark contrast to outside.

"You know, you never told me about your time in the young villainesses institution." Lesso looks up at me, "I'm assuming you were considerably older?"

"You never told me about Rafal and the school. I'm assuming that he was a past lover." I smirk, her smile is more of a grimace. "How about we tell eachother now, I have been away for six years."

"Okay, I'll start." Lesso leans towards me and I give her my hand. Her ocean eyes wash over me and she starts to explain. "Rafal used to be everything before I met you. He brought me here because he saw potential, to which I failed to meet." Her hand tightened around mine and I give it a supportive squeeze. "After you left, two girls joined the school, one of which did meet his potential. They destroyed the school until her friend helped her and they ended up saving it but destroying Rafal."

"You were sad?"

"No, I was relieved. But god, did I ache for you to come home. The headmaster was gone but we were going to attempt to be self sufficient. Years later Anemone sent you and Zylia an application form."

"Of course it was Anemone, she really seems to enjoy seeing us together."

"She was a great help when you were gone." She sips her coffee. "Your turn now, tell me about your education, if you could call it that." I shuffle uncomfortably but ready myself, knowing I'd have to recall things I didn't necessarily want to for the sake of truth and trust.

"It was different, we learned differently to here everything was focused on female villains and how to be better than them." I breathe slowly, choosing how to share the experience, "The girls were harsh and dangerous, at night it was a whole other game; to survive you had to kill."

"Did you?"

"I had no choice. They'd sneak in and slit your throat, I had to defend myself with piano wire once." I indicate to my neck and her eyes wide. "Yeah it was bad. I survived though and managed to get home where I continued my mother's legacy. Until the application."

"It seems like a horrible place."

"Horrible is an understatement. That hell hole was terrifying, to the point it still haunts me in my sleep. Less so when I'm with you but it's still there."

"Well neither of us will ever be going back to the people and places we once were at." She smiles, I kiss her hand. "Come on sweetheart, let's go."


A/N : I think I'll be bringing this fanfic as well as the oneshots to a close in around 1-2 parts time. Do you want a smutty final chapter or a romantic-fluffy one?

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