twenty eight*

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Christmas morning. Usually a part of the year I dread the most due to my mother's interminable tradition of creating a production - another one of her performances for the people of London. No matter how unworthy they are. This year however, I am determined to break this tradition.

Cold hands on my waist are what wake me up, alongside the lips kissing down my stomach. I rub my eyes before speaking. "Love, what are you doing?" Pressing her mouth to the inside of my thighs I groan, frustration and confusion a wild mix.

"I'm extremely grateful for the fact you only wear a t-shirt and underwear to sleep in." Her breath fluttered against the fabric covering my pussy and I groaned again. "Make that noise again for me darling." She mutters, kissing my thighs and the black fabric, leaving little marks on my skin and I can't help the profanities slipping from my lips.

She pulls the panties to the side, pressing her tongue against me as a flush of heat spreads up into my stomach. Now fully awake, I weave my hands through her hair, aware of the familiar terrain. "That's good baby." I groan, guiding her head even though she knows exactly where I want her and when. "Keep doing that."

Pleasure pulsates through my body, knocking me sick as I am granted my release. My panties snap back into place as Leonora crawls back up to me , wrapping her arms around my neck and resting her head on my chest. "Merry Christmas sweetheart." I laugh at this and feel her own delight echo in my heart. I kiss her forehead and watch as she reddens.

"All that and you're going red from a kiss on the forehead?"

"Shutup." She grumbles, head in the crook of my neck, either in an attempt to hide her flushed features or to emphasise her annihilation.

"I love you too." I drag her defeated body from off me and head to the shower, checking my hipbones and thighs as I walk past - they're covered by spots of pink. Smiling I scolded Lesso, "Now that you've had your fun, get up we have gifts to give out." I shower and slide into my dress, cleaning up the room whilst Lesso sorts herself out.

"You look-" She gapes at me. I cock my head to the side and raise an eyebrow. She walks closer to me, hands placed on my hips. "Gorgeous, beautiful, evil."

"It's all for you love." She takes my hand as we walk through the corridors and into the dining hall. Handing out the gifts we chose specifically for each person turns into a conversation on how and when we got back together. Anemone simply winked at us and thanked us for the silk gown and intricately sewn flowers for her hair.

After eating we decide to go on a walk in the cold breeze; not cold enough for snow. I throw on a simple grey cardigan and cuddle up to her side as we walk through the frost. Leaves crunch underfoot like shards of broken glass, each one intricately detailed.

I admire Lesso as she looks out over the lake: her calm but assessing blue eyes, her pallid skin turned peach at the nose and cheeks from the subzero temperature and her fiery red hair, warming the surroundings instantly. The woman I fell so deep in love with, right beside me in a moment so sweet.

"I have something for you." I smile up at her. Her eyes meet mine, blue as the oceans and the waves that crash onto the shore. I pull out the books, wrapped in a brown paper with a silver bow. She takes them gently. Her eyes brighten as she reads the titles.

"I've had my eye on these for what feels like forever, thank you Y/N." She smiles.

"I'm not done." I pull out the small box. Her eyes widen and pupils dilated, inky black engulfing her blue iris. "It's not what you think it is, it's too early for a proposal. But, it is a promise that someday I will make you mine, if that's what you want?"

"Yes, please." She hold out her hand for me to slide the ring onto her finger. I do so and she admires the band. "You know my taste too well. I have something for you too."

She pulls out two thin, leather bound sketchbooks before a small box of my own is pulled from her pocket. The ring is a thin silver band, intricate details writing around the main rhinestone. Smaller, oval shaped jewels spread from it like wings. "It's beautiful Lesso, on all the spotted dogs."

"I haven't heard that one in a while." She chuckles, nervous in every way.

"I didn't see a reason to use it." I give her my hand in shock. She slides it onto the ring finger of my left hand and I remain staring at it in awe. "Let's uhm- let's head back." She rest her head against mine before complying and taking my hand in hers.

By the time we make it back it is around lunch and snow is starting to fall; flakes landing in a halo on Lesso's head. I brush it off her once we are inside and we head to the hall. "You're everything, you know that?" I tell her. She squeezes my hand, rings cold against my skin.

"As are you, the stars, the sea, the sky. Everything." She mutters stopping us in the doorway. I smile at her, "You were everything the day we met."

"I'm glad I found you again." I whisper, inching closer to her by every passing second.

"As am I." She leans forward, placing a soft kiss on my lips as the green plant hangs above us. Her hands wrap around my waist, pulling my body closer to hers as she deepens the kiss, mouth exploring mine softly. I would no longer be Miss DeVil.

A promise that we would be together no matter what, that one day we'd belong fully to eachother, no matter how far apart. The sea and the stars always meet, even if it must be in darkness. They find eachother again.

The end.


A/N : Merry Christmas all, have a wonderful time. Thank you for everything <3

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