pmtok headcannons

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Idk, this was something I wanted to do as I have books that I need to transfer over to this account

1. Olly has insomnia

Olly having insomnia is mostly due to the fact that he will constantly have bad dreams of his past. He knows he's been forgiven by some people like Olivia and the Craftman but many in the town still stare at him weirdly. the bad dreams he has are also usually accompanied by what is like a another part of him that still remained from all those years ago, telling him to kill someone, usually Olivia.

2. Olivia only wears one glove

Olivia typically doesn't like wearing gloves but back during the green streamer, when handaconda captures her, he had to spit something like a venom on her to get her to sleep but the only available place was he face and her hands and striking her face would leave to much damage so he struck one of her hands which after healed, left a huge scar so she wears one glove to cover it.

3. Hole Punch is the shortest

I don't know why I decided this, I think it's just because I think it's ironic the the shortest one is the best at hand to hand combat

4. scissors was once a thing sticker

This is mostly because he looks a lot like the scissors thing so he has past of training with swords and smaller knives. He was also trained to understand his surrounding with a blindfold on in case he was ever blinded and, in theory, his eyesight would be sharper

5.Olly thinks that most strangers being nice to him are just pitying him and using him for entertainment 

This is because he still feels unsafe with everyone staring at him whenever he enters town. Most of the time this is true but there were few times he could have built a friendship if he didn't always think this.

6. There's Atleast one person that takes care of a vellumental

Olivia assigned Bobby to watch the water vellumental, profesor toad to the fire, and t. Ode and sometimes the sailor toad to the ice. Olivia takes care of the earth vellumental.

7. The only "language" that the vellumental understand is latin 

I mainly came up with this just for fun and their names being the latin words for their powers. But just imagine all of them getting together as a group to just learn Latin for the vellumentals, that would be cute.

8. Scissors is toxically positive

This comes from the original version of scissors on the Japanese version f the game where he is more playful and energetic with a child like attitude that still wants to murder you so I combined that with the American dub of scissors and made him toxically positive.

That's really it for now but yeah

Ino out!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2023 ⏰

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