Chapter 4. Last kiss

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Tina walked along the sidewalk with Jimmy Jr, having a smile on her face. Tina glanced over at him a few times and saw him looking a little bored.

"How has your day been?" Tina asked to break the awkward tension.

Jimmy Jr looked towards Tina and answered, "It has been fine I guess."

They walked in silence,

I thought this would be more...exciting... Tina thought to herself.

They kept walking until they reached the Wonder Warf entrance. They walked to the ticket booth, Tina thought Jimny Jr was going to pay, since he was the one who asked her here.

"Ma'am, the payment please" The man spoke towards Tina. She looked up confused but reached into her pocket and shoved the money into the man's hand.

Jimmy Jr guided Tina towards multiple rides, not letting them have a break.

Tina was started to become hungry.

"Jimmy Jr, could we stop for a second and get food?" She asked, grabbing his hand as he tried to head to the next ride.

He rolled his eyes, "Yeah I guess, get the hot dogs will yeah?" He said and took his hand away from hers.

He's never acted like this before.. Tina thought and stormed off.

She walked to the food area, she was met with a large line and didn't want to keep Jimmy Jr, waiting. She turned around and tried to find something else quickly, without watching she bumped into a boy,

Tina let out a small yell as she fell to her knees.

The boy did the same but fell back on his bottom.

Tina stood up and brushed off her skirt and adjusted her glasses. She looked down at the boy in front of her.

His eyes were closed and he was rubbing his head.

"Watch where you're going-!" The boy yelled but stopped quickly as he stared up at the girl in front of him.

She bent down a bit and held put her hand gently.

"I'm so sorry! I wasn't paying attention" Tina apologized.

His mouth was slightly ajaw as stared at her, he slowly reached his hand out to grabbed hers. He pulled himself up and stared down at the girl in front of him.

"You're beautiful.." He said without thinking.

Tina's eyes grew wide as she blushed slightly.

His eyes grew wide as well and shut his mouth.

"Thank you?" Tina said in a confused voice and took her hand away from his.

The boy quickly put his hand to his side. "My name is (Y/n)" he said.

"I'm Tina" She replied, then spoke again, "I'm sorry I need to find a short line and head back to my date" Tina said.

(Y/n) eyes narrowed in a harsh way but then quickly went back to the soft eyes before.

"I'm looking for a short line as well, maybe we can find one together" (Y/n) said with a smile.

Tina looked around quickly and then nodded.


They finally found a line that had a short wait, (Y/n) assisted to pay for the both of them and Tina tried to let him know it was fine and she got it, but eventually gave up.

They continued to have a conversation as she walked back to Jimmy Jr.

She smiled but it faded away until she saw Jimmy Jr in the crowd kissing another girl.

Tina dropped her food and stopped immediately. (Y/n) stopped along with her and followed her gaze, his eyes narrowed again and he grabbed ahold of Tina's hand and stormed over to Jimmy Jr. He put his hand on Jimmy's Shoulder and pulled him away from the girl.

"Are you Jimmy Jr?" He asked and Jimmy Jr nodded.

(Y/n) let go of Tina's hand and pulled his fist back and made a hard contact with Jimmy Jr's face.

He continued to punch him until Tina yelled for him to stop.

(Y/n) clenched his face and looked at Tina with slight blood on his face.

"Why?..." Tina asked as she adjusted her gaze towards Jimmy Jr.

Jimmy Jr looked at her with a blank stare, "Tammy said she'll give me an interview with a expensive school if I go out with you, but you're just not my type"

Those words played over in Tina's mind a million times in that moment.

"Not your type? NOT YOUR TYPE!?" Tina screamed at him.

"You are just like a your father! A selfish piece of shit that doesn't care about anyone but yourself! I can't believe I wasted my love and time on a asshole like you!" Tina cried as she stood over Jimmy Jr.

Tina took the drink (Y/n) was holding and dumped it on Jimmy Jr's head.

"(Y/n) has treated me with more respect then you have EVER had" Tina said with a glare.

Without thinking she walked to (Y/n) and grabbed him by his shirt collar and kissed him. (Y/n) enjoyed the kiss and didn't pull away until Tina did.

"Thank you for the time you have spent with me (Y/n), I hope I see you again sometime. But I need to have alone time now" Tina said kindly and quickly rushed away from the boys.

She pushed through the crowd and ran through the entrance and down to the beach. She ran along the sand and made her way to under the Wonder Warf .

She stared at her reflection in the water and started to to cry.

She kept crying until hours have passed and her eyes were stinging and she couldn't cry anymore.
She took off her clothes and was left in her swimsuit, she sat on the sand and sat there as the water moved against her skin.

She could her people yelling from down the beach coming towards her. She looked over and saw Jimmy Jr and (Y/n) running towards her trying to push each other out of the way.

Tina was quickly embarrassed with how she left the situation but didn't know what to do.

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