worn out

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William Afton and Henry Emily, an unusual duo, dared to venture into the bizarre realm of creating a restaurant filled with unruly animatronic creatures.

I ponder what prompts them to embark on such endeavours. Let's skip to the beginning, shall we?

//  1964/1/13 //

Exiting his engineering class with a book in hand, Henry observed a newcomer in the engineering and mechanics class. Despite his persistent desire to engage with the new student, shyness held him back. However, as fate would have it, the man stood before Henry, prompting him to contemplate whether he should finally introduce himself. Standing still, Henry adjusted his glasses before mustering the courage to approach the man.

"Hello! it's a pleasure to meet you, my name is Henry." He exclaimed with a bright smile on his face, the grin widening out, touching his cheeks.

The man's eyes lit up in surprise but with excitement, trying to hold in any emotion. "William." He stated in a blank tone, maybe that had a little bit too much 'non emotion' put into it.

"It's a pleasure to meet you too."

William responded with a subtle smile, reciprocating Henry's joy. "I'm sorry, uh..." He briefly paused. "Henreh?"  In an unconventional inquiry, "would you be interested in joining my upcoming venture? It revolves around mechanical pursuits, and, well, things of that nature. If it piques your interest." William obnoxiously observed Henry as his left eyebrow took a raise in questioning.

"Of Course! Can we work on it at the library? it's a place I find soothing and quiet for that sort of stuff!" Henry enthused, William then nodded prior to walking away, leaving Henry thrilled still.

After 9 years, William and Henry, steadfast collaborators, successfully crafted robots and stood on the brink of launching their eagerly anticipated new business—a moment they had long anticipated, along with a wealthy family, both having wife and children at home or at work.

"Here it is William." Henry stated, in the big fredbear suit, turning to William and smiled as they were just about to open the restaurant.

"the moment we've been waiting for."

William nodded, "The birthday party attendees should be arriving any second. Hey, could you assist me in donning the Spring Bonnie costume? I'm having trouble reaching the back, and remember, I did help you with Fredbear." Leading the way, they headed to the back room, where William began undressing, leaving Henry puzzled.

"I don't think getting undressed is necessary! Just the shirt is okay," Henry quickly exclaimed, avoiding eye contact with an unnoticeable blush colouring his face. As William started to take off his socks, he looked up at Henry, who had finally glanced back at him.

"You're not naked?" William expressed confusion. "Henreh, you're supposed to be naked; otherwise, the spring locks could catch onto the clothing and lead to a disastrous outcome."

"Oh, I didn't consider that!" Henry exclaimed, frantically squirming inside the suit in a sudden panic. "Henry, calm down! Stop moving, and I'll take it off for you," William reassured, gently gripping Henry's arm, pulling him down, and removing the mask. Henry panted as he took the suit off. Before William spoke again, he added, "There, just undress, and I'll assist you in putting it back on. But lend me a hand first."

Henry concurred and assisted William in donning the suit, deftly zipping up the back of the torso and affixing the bow around his neck. Methodically, he added each body part to complete the ensemble on William's form. "There you go, Will," Henry said with a smile, making eye contact before clearing his throat. He then walked away to a more private space, undressed, and donned the Fredbear suit. They both weren't wearing their masks until children came in screaming, it was something they both could equally say they didn't like.

The screechy sound grew steadily closer, signalling that the awaited moment had arrived.

Putting on their masks, they marched toward the stage, the towering suits starting to sway in tandem while music resonated from the speakers.
The children loved it and they all ran around cheering, kids eating cake and popping balloons whilst a pop rhythm was playing.

Post-party, William and Henry, exhausted and breathing heavily, reclined in the backroom. "At least the first business day went well," William sighed, removing his mask, echoed by Henry. "Whatever you say, Will," Henry groaned loudly, making William flinch. They both sat there until they mustered the motivation to undress. Henry rose from his seat, gracefully removing the upper half of his suit, and proceeded to disrobe completely, a genial smile adorning his face. "There," he declared, his grin widening. Eventually, both William and him shed their garments, sharing a moment of vulnerability, only to later redress in their respective attires.

In the serene stillness of the night, the celestial expanse above, illuminated solely by the diner's lights casting a gentle glow on the rocked pavement, and the nearly deserted parking lot, where only William's car occupied the space, an atmosphere of quietude enveloped them. The hush persisted until William broke it with a suggestion, his voice cutting through the silence. "Hey, Henry," William spoke Henry's name with precision. "Care to join me for a modest meal at my place?" he inquired, a warm smile accompanying his words.

Henry regarded William, "I don't mind," he uttered before adding playfully, "What masterpiece do you have in store for me, Mr. Afton?" He leaned in, a teasing grin on his face, and chuckled shortly after.


William responded, joining in the laughter with Henry.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2023 ⏰

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