Chapter 1

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My story is not a special one. Sure I had achieved higher than average on my final assessment, but who wouldn't when your dad is the clan leader? I was born to deputy Robin-Wing and his warrior mate Snow-Storm, my dad became leader shortly after I was born after the previous leader died in battle with a rogue. Everything had been expected of me growing up, and I had done it, I was perfect. The golden child and the pride of Snow-clan.

Which is why when it came time for me, my mentor, and a few of my peers with their mentors to head off to the oracle. The congratulations rang through the clan with 'see you soon' and 'be safe' filling the air. My father was beaming and my mother had tears in her eyes. They sent us off with promises of prayers and shouts of safe travels. The troop set off with pep in our step and a breeze nipping at our noses.

The oracle was this mysterious cat gifted with sight of the future, he stayed secluded (said to be of his own accord) In a small cave barely big enough for one cat just left of the moon pool. Apparently he hated other cats and only entertained them long enough to tell their future, but he was so accurate that the clans tended to just ignore that part. No one knew his name except for the very few sworn to secrecy. He had had only one apprentice before but the poor thing hadn't survived the great move, rumors say the apprentice was so close with the oracle that after his death the Tom was to stricken to accept another. But the adults usually shut that down pretty quick saying it's rude to gossip, they say that Starclan simply hasn't gifted him with another one.

The trip was easy although towards the end clouds appeared in the distance suggesting snow. We prepared well and were provided good opportunity for hunting. The clans we had to pass through were nice enough and let us go without trouble. Logistics had been talked through at the last gathering, we met up with the wind-clan group halfway through. This kept our clan relations from deteriorating and allowed for safer travel. The shadow-clan and thunder-clan groups preferred to go alone and river-clan went during a different time of the moon. Once there it was easy, we sat outside for a bit and chatted enjoying the nice weather for a bit. Although we may have found the weather a bit nicer than wind-clan as our coats were quite a bit thicker having lived longer in the area.

-next chapter will be longer
Signed, the author xoxo

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2023 ⏰

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