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"It's our wedding day, and we aren't even participating." I laugh, pushing the double stroller. Tom was holding my shoes.

"Neither of us wanted it, but it's nice. I still think we should've ran away." He admitted.

"We could run away now, skip out on the hotel take the girls and go to Italy." I suggested.

"I have.... things planned at the hotel, they would interrupt, as much as I love them. They're a bunch of cockblockers."

"Things?" I raised a brow.

"Things." Tom nodded.

I felt goosebumps creep up on my shoulders, as my feet touched the cold concrete. Aliyah and Nina couldn't sleep.

My mom offered to put them down, but it was really getting to me. The wedding, it wasn't how I expected it to be. It's nice and all, but...

It's just not us.

So now we were taking a stroll outside, just around the neighborhood.

"Are you cold?" He asked, looking at my jittering teeth. "Little bit, yeah." I laughed, I was literally walking around in a poofy white dress.

I noticed him taking his blazer off, I smiled at the gesture as he put it on my shoulders.

I stopped walking, putting my arms through the sleeves. Tom threw an arm around me, my bottom lip quivering.

"I love you Gia." He said, looking down at me.

"No mama?" I gritted my teeth a little.

"I met you when you were just Gianna, I think it's fair if I call you Gia in this moment."

I wanted to feel his warmth, it was something Tom always radiated, warmth. "Hug me?" I asked, he extended his arms, embracing me.

"I love you too, and i'm glad today happened." I rested my cheek against his chest. "I'm glad it happened too." He chuckled.

I looked up, grabbing his face to pull him further down to my level. I placed a soft kiss on his lips. "Thank you for everything." I whispered.

"What's everything?" He whispered back, confused. "Just... for not leaving, and always being with me throughout everything." I moved one of my hands down to his, holding it.

"Now why would I leave my wife, who I love and appreciate so much?" Tom grinned.

"You're already getting laid, you don't need to be a suck up." I joked, elbowing his arm. "What, I can't love my wife and children?" He motioned to the stroller, then back to me.

"You can, I suppose." I roll my eyes, playfully. "We should probably go back, now." He mentioned. I sighed, before getting an idea.

"Wanna do something crazy?"


"Where the hell are you?!" Bill shouted into the phone, as Tom kept speeding off.

"I um.." I gritted, looking at Tom. "You have reached your destination, for Las Vegas, Nevada." The GPS, practically ratted us out.

"You're in Las Vegas?!" He screamed, now even angrier. "It's where all the newlyweds go!" Tom yelled, as some of the wind blew against his face, tussling his hair, making him look. Dare I say...


"What about the girls?!" Bill pointed out. "I can take care of my own, kids!" Tom defended.

"It's been four fucking hours Tom! What the hell we're you thinking!" When did Bill turn into such a party pooper.

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