me against luke (obx dr)

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jj's in the corner, afraid but hiding it. he knew he'd fucked up and he was scrambling to figure out a way to fix it. the music was blaring, glass all over the floor. the smell of grime and smoke mixing in my lungs as i stood a mere 4 feet to jj's right, in a doorway.

"$30,000 in restitution!" luke yelled from across the room as he threw a wrench to the floor, inches from jj's feet. "you know what you've done? you are a piece of absolute shit!" he spit at jj, whose eyes only got wider the closer luke stepped.

"d-dad, i'm gonna figure it out, i have a plan-"

"oh do you now?" luke looked bewildered. the half empty bottle of vodka sitting on the table in the opposing room was probably the reason, with maybe a little coke to go with it. "is she it?" he points to me.

i don't say anything. this is not the first time i've witnessed luke like this. the first time was when jj had taken one of the many empty beer bottles laying around the house to school one day for show and tell. he obviously got in trouble and luke was called. i came over later that day and jj was in his room on the floor, cheek a bloody mess, luke passed out at the kitchen table.

so, this wasn't the first time.

"tell me you little bitch.." he steps toward me, another tool in his hand. jj takes 2 steps forward, equal distance from me as his dad was.

"back up luke." i don't divert my eyes, they stay locked on his almost pulsing pupils.

"what did you say to me?" he said, gripping the metal in his hand with extreme drunken anger.

"i said back up."

he swings.

but before he could even get his fist within an inch of my face, i grabbed his knife that had been sitting on the edge of the table 2 feet to my right. i'd seen it when i walked in. i pinned it to his neck with my right hand, just shy of cutting any skin and grabbed his fist he'd gone to hit me with with my other. i shoved him against the wall, jj taking a few steps back.

"swinging on the sheriffs daughter?" i breathe, my chest tightening because as much as i hate to admit it, i was still scared of luke. "what a move." i smile. luke struggles in my grip.

"rey, leave it." jj grabs my arm that is holding the knife to his fathers neck.

"yeah bitch-" luke spits but i push the blade ever so slightly more into his neck and he shuts up.

"audrey." jj grabs the blade. "leave it. please."

i hesitate. my eyes just as bewildered as luke's were a minute ago. i don't want him to win.

i let go of the blade, letting jj take it from my hand. i release luke as he grabs his neck and rubs it slightly. i no doubt left a mark. i go to turn around and leave but the urge i'd been holding back since i walked in the room overtakes me before i can stop.

i swing.

i clock luke right in the eye. he doubles over and reaches his other hand up to cradle the right side of his face.

"okay let's go." jj grabs my arm, turning me around and pulling me toward the door. reluctantly, i allow myself to follow him. he leaves the knife on the end table right by the front door.

"you know, your mother had a right to leave." luke spoke from the other room.

jj turned around this time. i grabbed his shoulder.

"go." i pointed to the bike sitting in the yard that we had rode here 20 minutes earlier. "if i have to leave it, so do you." i gave him a look. he huffed, shrugging my hand off and turning around.

"you remind me of her," i stopped in the doorway. "a prissy bitch with anger issues."

no one talks about my mother like that.

i turned before jj had a chance to grab my arm this time. in a blind fit of rage, i grabbed the knife off the entry table, rounded the corner in to the living room and threw it. i had no idea where it was headed but i didn't care.

"audrey!" jj grabbed my arm and forced me backward. i stumbled as he turned and stood in front of me, looking both surprised and pissed off. he looked back at luke.

i looked over his shoulder.

the knife didn't hit him, but damn was it close. it was wedged into the wood doorframe, 3 inches from the side of luke's head. i let out a small breath. luke was staring at the knife, a hint of fear overtaking his face. he looked back at me but didn't say a word. jj looked back at me.

"go." he pointed outside.


"audrey, go." he said again.

i took my eyes off luke, locked with jj's for a second, turned, and walked out. the second i was out of the door i stumbled to the side, the realization setting in. i managed to get to the bike, sitting down in the grass beside it. jj came out of the house 2 minutes later with his backpack. he dropped it when he saw me.

i didn't even have time to speak before his arms wrapped around me.

"i'm so sorry." the tears started now.

i almost just killed him.

"it's okay." jj whispered.

i didn't speak again. i just hugged him back.

eventually we stood up.

jj wiped the tears off my cheeks and i smiled at him.

"don't get all sappy on me now jakey." i smiled, leaning down and grabbing his backpack off the ground and throwing it on my back.

"me? never." he chuckled.

he turned to the bike and hopped on, starting the engine. he looked back at me as i sat down behind him with a smile. he returned it.

"back in the g-game baby."

"back in the g-game."



definitely gonna post more of these from my various other drs!

a lot of these are scenarios i think of that i can't post on tiktok but are scripted in my dr's !!

follow my tiktok: @reyatlasblack

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