night at the boneyard (obx dr)

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i could hear the music outside by the hot tub. i was in the guest room where kie, jj, and i all have thrown our clothes throughout the times we've stayed at the chateau. i looked in the mirror at the bikini i was in, just a simple black one that ties around the neck and back along with tie bottoms.

 i looked in the mirror at the bikini i was in, just a simple black one that ties around the neck and back along with tie bottoms

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i stepped away from the mirror and threw on a pair of ripped jean shorts over the bottoms. i grabbed a hair tie and slipped it on my wrist before i exited the room. as i walked outside, i could see jj and pope playing their game of 'whoever loses balance first, loses' by hitting each others shoulders. kie, celia, and sarah were all sitting on the edge of the hot tub, their feet still in the water. john b and lilli were both sitting in lawn chairs, a beer in hand, laughing at the other two.

"hey booker, pass me a beer would you?" i asked, still watching pope and jj. he lifted one behind his head as i walked up behind him. lilli looked up and smiled at me then turned her attention back to the boys. pope had finally won as jj had taken a small, unsteady step backward after he'd been hit in the shoulder a bit hard. jj then tackled pope and they were now wrestling in the dirt to the right of the hot tub.

"jj." i spoke after a minute, his head shooting up and locating me. i pointed to the twinkie as i swiped the keys from booker's pocket. he gave me a confused look, as did everyone else who had stopped what they were doing. i walked backwards with the beer in my right hand and the keys in my left, making a "cmere" motion with my finger. jj's eyes lit up.

"hey." booker was patting his pockets now as he finally realized i took his keys.

"don't worry booker, we won't crash." i winked at him, turning to the twinkie and opening the passenger side door. jj grabbed his lighter off the table that sat next to the lawn chair that booker was sat in and raced toward the twinkie. i tossed him the keys as i got in. i closed the door behind me as i sat down, placing my beer in the cup holder next to me.

"you're gonna let jj drive?" sarah called after us, a look of slight concern on her face.

"yeah good idea A.D., let the cross faded one drive!" celia shouted, shaking her head. i shrugged my shoulders and smiled as jj climbed in the drivers seat and stuck the key in the ignition.

"bye y'all." i winked at them as i waved bye out the window. jj started turning the wheel and pulling out of the driveway just as i heard celia and booker yell 'way to be discreet!'

"where to darlin'?" jj spoke from my side, slurring a bit. he was clearly tipsy and probably cross faded like celia had said. maybe i shouldn't have let him drive.

"the boneyard, lover." i placed my hand at the base of his neck, the tips of my fingers tangled in his slightly sweaty hair. i put my feet on the dash and left my other hand dangling out the window. i could feel the warm, summertime breeze flow through my fingers.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 25, 2023 ⏰

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