A Red Dawn Part I

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Melch, Landpo, September 2017

A mouse in his early twenties stormed out of a small cafe and made his way towards a yellow 1982 Jeep Honcho Pickup truck. The mouse happened to be wearing a black leather jacket with an assortment of pins and patches, red t-shirt, green button up shirt, black pants, one black fingerless glove, a waxed canvas leather rucksack and black knee high boots. The Mouse's name is Carter McKenley. Once Carter was in the truck, he slammed the driver side door, turned the vehicle on, turned the volume up on his radio and peeled out of the parking lot.

"Can't believe that jackass reduced my pay, what an idiot!" Carter snarled as he approached a traffic light.

Before Carter could go on green, the sound of an air raid siren went off resulting in him turning down the radio. Passersby and citizens got out of their vehicles or stopped what they were doing to look to the sky to see a horrendous sight; a fleet of zeppelins, fighter planes and two dozen Junkers Ju-52's with paratroopers jumping out of them. One distinct feature that stuck out on these aircraft was a big gold letter 'R'.

"Oh, my god." Carter muttered under his breath.

Chaos ensued by citizens running in different directions while screaming 'bloody murder', vehicles were crashing into each other, and some paratroopers got stuck in some bizarre places. An explosion above rung out as one of the zeppelins began to become engulfed in flames; the Landish Air Corps arrived on the scene and began to engage the enemy.

While driving Carter slammed on his brakes and skidded to a halt as he almost t-boned a black 1946 Ford Super Deluxe. The driver and passenger happened to be identical twin Alsatians.

"ARES! BRUTUS!" Carter called.

"CARTER!" The twins yelled.

"Guys! Stay on my tail; we need to get out of the city and if you see any paratroopers run them over." Carter informed.

Ares and Brutus followed behind Carter as they were driving around wrecked vehicles, debris, and civilians. The three of them looked in horror as a burning Messerschmitt Me 262 jet crashed into a brick building followed by an explosion. First responders were doing everything in their power to help the citizens; some police officers were trying to lead civilians to safety, the other officers were engaging the enemies, firefighters were trying to put out the fires and the paramedics were gathering injured civilians out of harms way.

About three miles away from the town, a convoy of trucks containing Landish Soldiers and armored vehicles drove past the trio down the highway.

"I hope those soldiers get those vermin." Ares said to himself.

A Clydesdale in his late fifties wearing a red plaid shirt, black jeans, a green military slouch hat and cowboy boots was outside of a building that happened to be a mix between a gas station, general store, and diner called 'Archie's Rest Stop' sitting on a chair smoking a cigarette when Carter, Ares and Brutus pulled in while screaming. The three of them got out of their vehicles and ran towards the older horse.


"Who's shooting who?" Archie asked the Ares.

"King Ratigan, he's launched an invasion. We're leaving town, I'd suggest you do the same!" Carter informed while looking towards the woods.

"You three get in there and grab some sleeping bags and some food."

The twins and the mouse started going up and down the aisles grabbing supplies from; non-perishable food items, beer, perishables, medical supplies, lanterns, toiletries, weapons, ammunition and other necessary items.

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