- met in connect -

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Emma knew that there weren't many fish in the sea for her to choose from,  so she just never chose any, but this school year she was hoping would be different, hoped their would be a fish in the sea for her. She was known around the school as a good girl, a girl who always got good grades and always had her hand up in class.

It was the first day of the school year, fifth period lunch to be exact. Emma hadn't noticed anyone who caught her eye yet, just the same kids from years prior. When the bell rang and they were dismissed, they had to go to their 6th period connect class. Connect was basically a class where they combine all the different classes in the Jr high hallway(6th,7th,8th grades). And all of the kids got split up into 6 different rooms. Emma didn't know who would be in her connect, but she hoped she would see someone who caught her eye. When she walked in the classroom, she noticed two eight grade boys sitting in the corner of the room with three other girls. Emma didn't recognize the two boys, but she recognized the three girls. The girls were Lydia, Gwen, and Abby, her three best friend. Their was an open seat in between Abby and one of the boys, so Emma sat down in it.

"Hey Emma" Gwen and Abby said, offering her smiles. "Hey Guys" Emma replied back. "You must be Emma, I'm Elijah and this is Samuel" The guy next to her said. "Hi" she said.

"Quiet down class" the connect teacher yelled. It was their English teacher, Mrs Jengham, who liked to yell at the class alot. The class responded to her by ignoring her.

"I dont think we have any classes together do we?" Emma randomly asked Elijah. "Other than this we have have seventh and eight period together I believe" He said, "Computer class and History" he added. I nodded to show that my classes were also the same. "So are mine" Lydia said, staring at Elijah and giggling. Gwen shot Lydia a death glare, obviously noticing her trying to get Elijah's attention.

"Emma yours hairs so cute today even with that peice sticking up in the back" Lydia said with a smirk. "Oh uh, thank you?" I said questionablely, her words obviously being a backhanded compliment. "Hey Lydia cute hair even tho it looks like string cheese and Ramen mixed together. Gwen said smirking at Lydia. Lydia exchanged her a shut up look and Gwen rolled her eyes as Lydia got up and walked away.

"Her backhanded compliments are so annoying" Abby said. And when Abby says somone is annoying, you know she is telling the truth because Abby is the nicest girl you will ever meet. "Yea they really are" Samuel says.

"And she obviously has a thing for Elijah" Gwen points out. "No thank you" Elijah says with a disgusted look on his face. "I'm suprised she didn't start crying like usual" Gwen said and rolled her eyes. Emma's friends always had her back in every situation, no matter who, what, when, or where.

"Anyways, how are you guys?" Emma asked. "I'm good, how about you Emma?" Elijah asked, staring at her waiting for her answers, like he was a puppy dog waiting for a treat. The two got into a conversation about how their school year was going and what sports and clubs they were going to be doing this year. They were laughing and giggling an awful lot to be doing just that."A future couple I See" Samuel points to me and elijah while leaning over the table to wisper to Gwen and Abby. Emma ignored them, Trying to not let the fact that her and elijah would definitely be cute together. She turned around and shot the girls a death glare and Gwen laughed and said "She knows I'm right"

But was she right? was Emma slowly catching feelings for this boy when she really should be focusing on her grades and cross country? What would her parents think about her dating a bad kid with a bad reputation like Elijah? Would she end up with a bad reputation?

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