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Warning:smut 🔞

Kim Nari pov:
"I told you I didn't want to see you with jang hyun-ho anymore" he say angrily while pounding into me with full jealousy "who are you to tell me what to do?" I say slyly panting "it's not like we're together" "but we keep fucking every time we're together, doesn't that make you mine?" "Yah,gyeong-Jun, they call me a whore for a reason" I moan feeling this seeds in me
"Hey, Nari, Kim Nari" I was woke up by someone shaking my shoulder slyly "yes?" I say turning around to see the person "you were sleeping with your airpods, it's dangerous sleeping with them you could damage your ears" I look at him dumbfounded "s- "yah! Gyeong-Jun is sleeping. It's to loud." "Those douchebags" hyunho mumble to himself as we both turn back around. I was trying to find a comfortable place when I caught the bubanjang (class vice president) Kim somi taking a picture of the banjang (class president) Kim Joonhee I roll my eyes at her childish move as I put my head in the window continue sleeping
"Hey,Nari,wake up" "what" I say slyly annoyed to the person "we're here" he say I open my eyes revealing hyunho who was smiling
We both got out when he went to nahee helping her out "shibal,why is this so heavy." I mumbled to myself "give it to me." I look up seeing joonhee as he walk away with my suitcase "which room are you staying." He say when he saw me walking with him "with Jung won." I answer him as we both scan the QR code.
We were all at the gym hanging out some we're dancing,a group of boys playing basketball "you really like sleeping,don't you? I look up still haft asleep seeing joonhee walking towards me as he sat down next to me I nodded putting my head in this shoulder as he froze still processing what happen he look down and smile.
"What are you doing? I ask jungwon "huh? She answer turning her head around seeing me in some gray joggers and a black t-shirt with my wet hair I sat down next to her as I leaned to check "huh? It's not working" I told her as I turn my head making eye contact with her *ting* I got up from my sitting position and got my phone out of my pocket [welcom] [the mafia game starts now. Check your accupation now] [kim Nari,your accupation is civilian] "I'm apparently a civilian. How about you? I ask her "me too" jungwon answer back instantly [main menu:chatting,voting,games rules,vote status,participants] [1. The participants will be secretly assigned as civilians,doctor,police officer,and mafia] [the doctor can prevent the execution of a participant of their choice] [2. Starting from 8 am to midnight] [the participants will select the mafia members by vote] [3. At midnight,the participants with the most votes will be executed] [and their occupation will be revealed] [4. After the voting ends at midnight,] [all participants except the mafia members will go to sleep] [5. During the night,while the participants are sleeping] [and until 6 am] [the mafia must execute someone themselves] [6.when either team civilians or team mafia] [kill everyone on the other team and win,it's game over] [the civilians,the doctor,and the police officer are on the same team] [participants,please find the mafia and start voting now] "hi! Losers! Is it my time to shine? Say yul through the group chat "heo yul is the mafia. Let's kill him" say a girl to the chat (idk her name sry) "when you click a name,a vote is cast" jungwon say "really? I answer her,voting for yul.
"What? Hasn't he come back yet" I ask jungwon as we both went outside looking for the teacher "the teacher left a long time ago" I added "nothing could've happened, right? I ask again "what if he got into a car accident? I ask worried "joonhee, you don't know when the teacher coming back,do you? I ask joonhee this time "no, I don't know. I can't reach him" he answer back "where is the staff? "I guess they all went with the teacher. There's is no one here" "why,that's none of there business" i mumbled to myself "what? So what do we do? Jungwon ask this time "how long do we have to wait? "The office must have a phone. Let's check it out" I told them.
Joonheee was trying to call the teacher "it's not working" joonhee say *beep* I answer the phone quickly "hello? It's has been cut" I told them "call the police,199,or whatever" jungwon told me I nodded typing the police number "no,it's not working"
"Juwon" I say noticing the boy "where are you going? "Well the guys wanted to see me so..." "you guys can go I go with juwon" I told jungwon and joonhee "you sure? Joonhee ask I nodded "let's go" I say to the boy "yah! What are you doing? I ask "hey, Jin dabeom. Get up" I say to the boy who gyeongjun and this minions bullied for no reason as he got up I noticed the nose bleed he got "jeez" I mumbled to myself as I clean the blood with my hands "go gyeong-Jun" "yes? He answer with jealousy "your talking your pranks too far" I say trying not to snap at him "what prank? He ask trying to play dumb "don't p-" "shibal. Who was tha!? He ask angrily turning around and seeing hyunho in front of him "gyeongju. You got pretty big. Have you been working out? "Shibal, jang hyunho. You son of a bitch. Why are you all here acting like this? "We wanted to get some exercise.why? Can't we do that" "you losers couldn't even get into the national team" gyeongju say trying to bring hyunho down "let's go" gyeongju say to this minions as I watch him leave he turn around making eye contact with me "why is he acting like this? I thought we talk about this? I through to myself "Nari" "huh? I snap back to reality "are you okay? He ask worried that gyeongju may have hurt Nari some way I humble telling him that I was okay.
"Class president what should we do? We can't reach the teacher. Our phones aren't working either" hyunho ask joonhee "I know. So what are we going to do? I also ask "let's go back to our rooms and sleep for now. I will be going out early in the morning or something" he answer both of us "guys! Go to your rooms and get some sleep. Don't just hang around here" he told the others kids as me and jungwon we're going to our room a alarm was heard through the speakers "the voting ends in one minute" a female voice was heard I took my phone out of my pocket same as the other as we watch a timer go lower and lower "wow,they even made an announcement. It's so cool. Don't you agree? Yul told the boy next to him "yes, I agree. But it was you who created this" the boy next to him answer him "the voting has ended. Heo yul,the one with the most votes,will be executed" a ring sound was heard as yul started to groan in pain "gosh,he is begging for attention again" a girl say "that's enough" the boys next to him told them while laughing yul started to groan louder and move around after a second he lift himself straight and this eyes were pure white as he fell into the floor as he started to hit himself again and again as blood was visible from the hits some of the boys tried to stop him but he just push them away as he stop moving for a second as he turn around and saw a picture frame from both sides as he run through them. He started to run straight to the window "Nari! Both gyeongju and hyunho notice that she was in the middle of the room as gyeongju pull Nari to the side and hyunho jump in front of her making him fall on top of her and the last thing they heard was the window breaking before they all pass out
We'll chapter one is done hope y'all like it and if y'all notice that some parts of the serie is missing is because I replace it with Nari having a moment with one of the character
English isn't my first language so sorry if there some errors
Have a good day or night

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