Quote #15

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I wonder of girls look at me and thing "wow I wish I was as pretty as her" because that's what I think when I look at everyone else.

A/N: I know this seems a little cheesy... But just bear with me.

This quote is quite accurate in terms of what girls normally think. But I have recently learned that even when it may seem impossible, someone else does have the same thought about you. I would've never believed this myself but a special friend of mine had taught me that we truly are our worst critics and we're often not as bad as we think we are.
My friend... She's so pretty that you would say she's an actress once you see her current Instagram picture. And this girl... Thought I was pretty. Wow. She's only told me this like a million times... Hopefully it'll sink in soon. XD

Anyway, my point is... Be happy with who you are. :)

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