Chapter 1

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Me: This is a Christmas Special it does have Calem in it, but he's not evil. As long as Calem doesn't try to ruin Ash and Serena's relationship off his own accord or on purpose, then I don't see why I should hate him. I feel like he actually has potential to be a strong and kind trainer as long as there is no Kalosshipping of course. Some of you may disagree, but whatever. That's just what I think. I don't know... but I feel like a lot of Amourshippers are very toxic towards other ships, I hate Pokéshipping but I can deal with other ships... to different extents of course but still... I don't know. Tell me what you think in the comments!

*Near the end of the path leading to Snowbelle City.*

Serena's POV:

Finally! Snowbelle City! Me, Ash, Bonnie and Clemont look down at the ice city in awe.

Clemont: "Wow, this really is something  huh?"

Bonnie: "Yeah! The ice looks so pretty!"

"I agree, it looks beautiful but I do wonder if it looks like this all year round. They must get bored of it, or maybe they don't know much different."

Ash is already running half-way down the hill yelling at us to get a move on. I smile at his enthusiasm. If only... If only Ash knew... I have tried again and again, to give him clues but nothing seems to be working. I'm running out of ideas and he just doesn't seem to get it. I love the guy but he is so dense and clueless. I don't know what to do anymore. I walk down slowly after them.

"Hey guys?"

Ash: "What's up Serena?"

"I think I'm going to explore for a while, good luck with your training Ash!"

I run away before they can tell me they want to come with me, ignoring Ash's disappointed face. Sometimes it's all too much. Lately, I go on walks away from them, I need some time to think and nature is the best place for that. I trudge through the town and down a road with shops on all sides. The shops have colorful lights and banners, delicious smells in the air; cinnamon and apple. I look through one of the windows and glance at all of the delectable pastries, golden brown and the cakes covered in swirling icing and sprinkles. I leave the window and enter a park and sit down at a bench. 

I sit there for a couple minutes and sigh as I see a snowflake land on the tip of my nose. It's snowing again. I start to make my way back to the Pokémon Centre but stop when I hear laughing and I peep round a corner to see a boy laughing with his Pokémon twirling round with his head up trying to catch a snowflake on his tongue. Eventually he gets dizzy and falls backwards onto his bottom and I bust out laughing. But immediately stop when he turns to look at me. He has black hair all the way down to his shoulders and grey eyes, a red cap on his head and he has a black bag slung over his shoulders, black boots, navy trousers, a top similar to Ash's only his sleeves are longer and lastly he has a Mega Band with a Mega Stone on his wrist.


Calem: "Serena? Is that you? It is!"

He runs up to me and high five me.

Calem: "It's been so long! How are you?- Wait. Don't tell me now, tell me over a cup of hot chocolate. I don't know about you but I'm absolutely freezing out here. Come on!"

Calem returns his Pokémon who were disappointed to return to their Pokéballs as they were trying to make snow angels. He grabs my hand and we run back to the Pokémon Centre as the snow starts to get really heavy around us and we start to get really soaked through. As we burst into the warm lobby of the Pokémon Centre, I quickly scan the room for any signs of Bonnie, Ash or Clemont. There are quite a lot of people here trying to warm up after being caught in the snow some wrapped in towels and others holding warm drinks. The atmosphere is cheery and welcoming. Nurse Joy is in front of her desk talking to the long line of people in front of her. Audino is walking around smiling and handing out towels from a little trolley she is pushing. Audino approaches us with her trolley and hands me and Calem a towel each and a mug of hot chocolate each.

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