Chapter 2

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"Meara, look!" Her sister, Zahida, called. "A Phoenix!" Meara squinted up into the air. It looked more like a bird was on fire to her- oh. That's what a Phoenix is.
"Is it coming for us?" She asked groggily, rubbing her eyes and squinting harder.
"You need glasses."
"No, glasses are for old people!"
"Young people wear them," Zahida objected. "One of the boys at our academy wore them, Paul, I think his name was."
"Who cares what the idiot's name was!" Meara yelled, finally awake. "There's a Phoenix flying down toward us! We're going to die!" Zahida took hold of her and pulled Meara toward her, holding her close.

The Phoenix roared toward them, the ground below it melting while the bird was still in the air. What a sigh it was, and how warm was it, too, when it finally landed. It was only a couple feet away, but it radiated heat like no other fire could give.

It carried a golden chain necklace with an azure blue geode in the middle, a color that went great with the fire bird. The Phoenix opened its gorgeous wings, fire crackling from it and melting everything around it, while its tail swayed in the cold wind. The bird squawked calmly, stepping toward them.

Meara stared at the bird in awe, moving from her sister to reach for it. The warmth collided with her frostbitten and poison ivy infected hand, and she shivered into it. Zahida followed suit behind her, but only to pull her back.
"It's wonderful," Meara spoke softly, smiling. Zahida sighed and stepped in front of her, clearing her sister from the trance.
"We don't know this bird, Meara," she informed sternly. "It could be dangerous."
"Any Phoenix could be dangerous," she retorted, frowning. The bird stepped closer to them, inspecting their bodies and face. "But the bird could be of a help to us. It could give us forever warmth and light our fires through the nights." Zahida thought on this for a moment and glanced at the bird, who was creeping up to them with an astonished expression.
"Fine, but only this once. If it tries to kill us, I won't say that I didn't warn you."
"I won't kill you," the Phoenix suddenly spoke, and the two girls whirled around to stare at him. Even the bird sounded suprised at its own voice. "I won't hurt you," he continued.
"Oh wow, a bird who can talk!" Meara exclaimed, running to it. She stopped when he backed away.
"Yes, I am," he answered. "Your names?"
"I'm Meara, and my sister here is Zahida!" She grinned, and the Phoenix sniffed. His blue eyes became watery, and a small drop of an orange tear fell down. "Oh no! What is the matter?"
"No mind that," he said, wiping his eyes. "Such girls shouldn't be out here during wartime. You should be back home with your mother." Meara felt a stab of guilt.

How was her mother feeling right now? What would happen if the two sisters didn't come home. Then she'd be a widdow and a mother with no children. Then, she started to cry. No, she could die. Mother would be devastated. Father and Nicholas had already died in the war, and then them, too?
"Oh, Meara!" Zahida cried, hugging her sister. "What's wrong?"
"Father and Nicholas already died and then if we don't come home, Mother will be so lonely!" She explained, crying harder. It sounded worse when she said it out loud. The Phoenix flinched and bowed his head.
"I will respect your grievances for your family," he mumbled.
"Thank you," the sisters whispered. "What is your name, Phoenix?" Zahida asked, comforting her sister while switching the topic.
"Oh, you may just call me Phoenix," Phoenix smiled. "Doesn't really matter to me."
"That's good then." Meara shivered and her sister pulled her closer. "Do you have a blanket with you? Or something to keep us warm?"
He's a Phoenix you idiot, Meara thought, rolling her eyes. If he was carrying a blanket, the blanket would have burned by now!
"No, but I could light a fire for you to keep you warm." Phoenix grabbed a stick and immediately it burned into flames.

A minute later, the three had gather enough sticks to make a fire, and soon all of them were warm.
"We should leave tomorrow," Zahida said, her hands moving closer to the sparking fire. "And so should you."
"I think I'll stay here," he said. "It's late and anything could attack you at any time. I'll be a help to you, I promise."
"Let him stay," Meara sighed, her eyelids drooping. "He can keep us warm whilst we sleep."

She sighed again, her ears blocking out any more noise. Her eyelids fly closed, and soon she was breathing evenly. She tumbled into her sister and dropped into an even sleep.
"Goodnight, Meara," Zahida whispered to her, and then she heard nothing else. Her vision turned black, and then soon, she was in a deep sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2023 ⏰

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