Episode 6: Battle of F 3/3 (DBX1 Finale)

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U.G. Tony and Golden Frieza have just started their legendary battle to finish what they started a long time ago and only one of them will win while the other one falls. They both were launching punches, kicks, and energy blasts while they were flying near the destroyed city. Frieza kicked Tony to a building and started to shoot multiple Death Beams at him until he was no longer alive, but he teleported behind him and punched him in the face and went flying towards some rubble as he started to shoot blue energy beams at him. While they both of them were still fighting, Team RWBY, JNPR, Quaza, and Surko were watching from afar while explosions and shock waves were the only thing that they could see. Suddenly Whis and Beerus showed up.

Ruby: Lord Beerus, Whis!

Whis: Greetings, friends.

Yang: Are you here to help?

Whis: Of course not, we're simply here for the delicious delectable that Ms Schnee promised. You do have it right?

Weiss: Oh! Yeah I do, it's in Surko's ship.

Beerus: Does it taste as good as it looks? I hope so since I hate traveling for nothing, I'll have to destroy your planet if its average.

Weiss: Look, I know you came here for something that you never tried before, but it's not a good time for dessert.

Beerus grew a bit angry and started to charge a Ki blast of Destruction.

Weiss: OKAY! OKAY! I'm getting it now, just don't blow us all up if it's a little melted, alright!

Beerus smirked and deactivated his attack. He started to watch Tony and Frieza's fight from below as Tony and Frieza were punching and kicking each other until they got a hit. Frieza used an Emperor's Edge to slice him into oblivion, but he doges and shot a frosty beam that got Frieza's arm, he blasted it off and whistled for back-up. 2 Raspberry race soldiers and 1 Appule Race soldier that had demon aura around them came into the fight while everyone watching thought Frieza killed the last of his men already.

U.G. Tony: WHAT?! PURPLE-PPULES! The worst kind of Appules!

Tony now had to deal with Golden Frieza and 3 Purple-ppules now while Jaune noticed something off about this whole situation.

Jaune: T-This doesn't seem right...

Yang: What are you talking about?

Quaza: It's simple, the arrival of Frieza and his forces into this universe is having an adverse effect on the timeline just like before.

Nora: And here I thought we were past all of this!

Tony already killed the purple-ppules off and went back to handling Frieza. They both were launching punches, kicks, and lasers at each other. Back on the ground, Beerus and Whis were about to start eating their Strawberry Sunday for the first time.

Beerus: Whoa! It looks even tastier in person!

Whis: Well then... *Takes the first bite.* OH! This Ice Cream is just outstanding! It's cold feeling gives my mouth a run for it's money!

Beerus: Indeed. And these things look like the brains from those frogs on Planet Manu.

Beerus grabs the strawberry with his nail and took a small bite of it.

Beerus: Oh! Never mind this is some sort of fruit! These are lush and invigorating, and tasty! Try one Whis!

Whis: Mmm. Yes, I already had one. I must say, it is truly magnificent.

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