Chapter 2- Strange

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Natsu's POV

"IT WHY IS NATSU MOST IMPORTANT!!?!" I heard Luce yell as I walked into the guild. "What about me?" I asked curious "N...NO..NOTHING!!!" she screeched/stuttered. "Haha! Luce your so weird." I said. Then I heard Levy ask Mira "Uh..Um..Mira..does Gajeel have to come." "HAHA her face is red like a tomato!!" I thought. Mira then replied "Yes, Yes he does." That made levy blush even further. "Wait, come to what?" I asked. Luce was about to reply when Mira Interrupted her and screeched "LUCY IS HAVING A SLEEPOVER AND YOU ARE GOING TO COME NO MATTER WHAT!!" "Wow Mira is just as terrifying as Erza." I thought. Then Mira whispered something to Lucy which made her FLIP OUT! "WH...WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT OF COURSE NOT!" She yelled. "Well Luce see ya later I yelled as I ran out the guild. "It'll be fun to hang out with everyone, But it will be kinda upsetting it's not just the two of us." This thought brought a blush to my face. Just then my bud Happy flew up to me. "ooh Natsu your blushing you don't happen to loooove lushe do you. "Wh..wha...NO!" I yelled back. "I don't like lucy...right?"

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