Episode 10: Escape of The Alpine Forest

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Dillon: Kole what Does The Note say?
Kole: It says " Now that You All Have Collected the nine life orbs There is only one more thing you Must Get. It Is Something Called The Atlas Stone and It is Hidden Away In the TimeKeepers Castle. Take The Orbs To His Castle And Perform The Ritual, Once you Get the Atlas Stone the way out will be Revealed."
Rachel: So all we have to Do is Perform a Ritual!
Melanie: Yes But You all Dont Have Much Time, There is only About Thirty minutes left Until then Sun Rises.
So they All hurry up and pack Up the orbs and Walk outside to See a Bright Stream of light coming from behind The Mountain.
Iyahna: Im Guessing that's Where the Castle is.
Melanie: Yea.
So they make there way up and Over the mountain, They find a Path That led to A Giant Ice Castle At the End of it.
Iyahna: Really, an Ice Castle. Who the Hell does this Dude think He is, Elsa?
Kole: Frr.
The Group Continues down the path until they Get to the Castle. Just as they are about to walk in the TimeKeeper Steps out Infront of the Entrance.
The TimeKeeper: Now What do you think your Doing?
Dillon: Were gonna Get the Hell out of here.
The TimeKeeper: Oh Really, Not According To me. OH, MINUTE MEN!
Then a bunch of Men with Clock heads walked out and Grabbed all of them. One of the Took The Case full of life orbs somewhere I to the Castle While the Others Locked The Group In an Ice Cell. However Melanie Was put into a Differenr Cell than The Kids.
Kole: Now what The Hell are We Gonna Do?
Rachel: The Cell Is made of Ice Maybe We Can Break it open. ( She Kicks the Bars And it Doesnt work.) Ouch... Nope, It doesn't Work.
Iyahna: y'all There are A Bunch Of Sybols on the wall over here.
Dillon: I found A Box y'all.
Rachel: Whats In the Box?
Dillon: I don't know, Let me open it. ( He Opens It and Sees All of Their Dead Friends Voting Cards.) Holy shit.
Kole: Why Are There cards in there?
Dillon: Wait, Theres a note. It says " To Get Out of this Cell You Must Match Your Friends Card With what killed them. Once You are Done The Cell door Will Open."
Rachel: Thats Sick.
Iyahna: Guys! These Symbols on the wall Are all of the Deaths.
So they all Take some Cards and Start Matching them Up.
Iyahna: So Kylie Goes with the Wolves, Taniya goes with the Fairy, And Mckailyn Goes With The Couple.
Dillon: Xay Goes With The Magic ball and Bryanna Goes with The Sword.
Rachel: Eli Goes With The Steamy Water.
Kole: And Finally, Logan Goes With the Fish.
As soon as Kole Places the Final Card The Cell gate Opens up. They walk out and See Melanie locked in the Cage next to them.
Dillon: MELANIE, How do we get you out of here?
Melanie: I don't know, and it doesn't matter. You all need to get out of here fast.
Rachel: Were Not just gonna Leave you.
Melanie: You have To now Go.
Dillon: Well Go but we're Gonna Come Back.
Then they left to Go search for The Orbs. Eventually, They all Found a Room with a Giant Glass Case with a Blue Crystal in the middle.
Dillon: Holy shit, Guys Thats the Atlas Stone.
Kole: How do we get it?
Dillon: I don't Know, Didnt the note say we had to Perform a Ritual?
then before They Could Say anything Else, A bunch of Minute men Walked in to the Room and Cornered them. They were captured again But this time The Minute men took the TimeKeepers Thrown Room where He was Sitting in his Thrown performing The Ritual To get The Atlas Stone. After about a minute He Completed The Rutal and They all Heard Glass break from down the hall. The TimeKeeper Walked Down the Hall and grabbed The Atlas Stone. Dillon However was able to Get away from the minutemen and He ran down the hall and Confronted the TimeKeeper.
Dillon: Your Not gonna Get away With this.
The TimeKeeper: Oh I think I Just Di-
Then Melanie Stabbed Him from the Back and He fell to the Ground.
Dillon: Melanie, How did you-
Melanie: That Doesnt Matter, Take the Stone.
So he Grabbed it and They Ran back to The Thrown Room. Once The Minute men Saw That Dillon Had The Atlas stone they let go of the others and Ran after him. Before they could get to him Melanie Jumped in front of him and Pushed him away. She Continued to fight off the Men and yelled " GO, FIND THE PORTAL OUT BACK. IM RIGHT BEHIND YOU I PROMISE.
So they all Decided to Listen and Run outback.
Once there They found a Stone Portal With a hole at the Top.
Iyahna: Dillon Put in the Damn Stone We wanna go home.
Dillon: What about Melanie?
Rachel: She said she was Gonna Be Right behind us now hurry.
He decided to listen to them and He put the Arlas stone Into the Portal. It started to Glow blue and They knew that they were Free. The Four of them walked out to See Lucas and Amelya Waiting for them.
Lucas: It worked!
Amelya: Dillon! You did it.
Then all of a sudden Melanie Ran through the portal and As Soon as She did it Disappeared leaving Behind The Atlas Stone.
Amelya: What is That?
Dillon: Its the Thing that Saved us.
Melanie Then grabbed the Stone and Gave It to Dillon.
Melanie: Here, You should Keep This. It could Help You Out one day. and Just to let you know, If you need help You can call anytime.
Dillon: Thanks.
She then Got into her car and Drove off.
The rest of them Started walking away as well.
Rachel: Oh I can't wait to get home.
Iyahna: Wait, Won't our Parents be Concerned about why we have been missing for like a year?
Lucas: Nah, In their minds You Never left.
Amelya: Yeah Dont Worry, I thought the same thing.
Dillon: ( sees Lucas with a McDonald's Bag)
Did You Guys Get Food while I was Gone?
Lucas: Oh yeah, I mean you've been gone four like Nine hours what did you expect us to do?
Kole: Damn I could use some food Right Now. Do you Think You can Take us, Dillon?
Dillon: Yeah I could use some food too.
So they all went To McDonald's Before Dillon Drove Them all Home. When Dillon went To bed that Night He Could Sleep Comfortably Thinking that it was all over: Little did he Know It wasn't even Close To Being Over.

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