Chapter 3: Out of the Shadows, Into the Light

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A Couple Hours Later

This construction is going to finally be the death of me
Everywhere I went there seemed to be a detour sign. Every path I would normally take on my evening walks were blocked.
Just my luck
I eventually made it to the edge of town which overlooked the bay. Most of the ships had started making their way to the harbor to dock for the night. The last rays of sunlight glistened over the waters turning it different shades of purple, orange, and yellow.
While I was on my way back my detoured path led me somewhere I hadn't been in a while, the courtyard of the Hall of Justice. It was a large building with a beautiful stained glass window which covered most of the front of the building…


Hours passed by and the group had gone back to discussing rising crimes being stacked on by the Horsemen. The Horsemen were a dangerous group of criminals that had broken off into 4 branches. The first branch dealt with assassinations, they killed whoever disagreed with the leader, The Revelator. The second branch takes whatever the leader asks and brings it to them or someone in contact with them. The third group deals with the politics and sows the seeds of chaos which cause misunderstandings, mistrust, and rumors in the gang's opponents. This then brings in the forth group, they use the chaos that that third group has left and takes advantage of this weakness and infiltrates the enemy and takes them down. Leaving no one to stand in the Horsemen's way.

The conversations quieted around the meeting table, about 5 hours had passed since the old man appeared and Bruce's patience with the old man and his stories had grown thin. The old man smiled as he noticed this, "well, thank you all for letting me stay for awhile but I must be on my way." The old man walked out the door, leaving the group at the table.
The old man exited the building when he walked into the courtyard and smiled at a young girl passing through. He beckoned her over and begrudgingly she walked over to him.
"Hello miss, do you believe in fate…"


And to think I would get a peaceful evening walk, ha… one is never so lucky
I found myself talking to an old man in the courtyard. He was quite pleasant to talk to, which is not something I say freely. He managed to coax me into the Hall and had me follow him into a rather large room. With the evening sun shining through the windows and the fluorescent lights in the room it made it hard to see. So much so that I didn't see the group of people sitting around a table in the middle of the room until it was too late to back out.
Everyone's eyes were on me and the old man, a man in all black sighed, "who have to drug in now." The old man smiled not bothered in the slightest by the snide comment, "fate has allows another to be found." I glaced over at the old man, unmoving from my position, "I believe you have the wrong person," I looked over to the group, "I'll be going now."
"Wait…" a tall man with a long red cape stood up from the table, "the last time this man brought someone to us, they were exactly what we had been looking for." I chuckled, "yeah no, I don't have some crazy abilities or anything for that matter that would be remotely useful to you. Sorry…"
As I was headed to the door, the last rays of sunlight sliced through the window and hit my back. Even though they were barely visible, the corner of a wing faded in and out like those mirages you see on hot roads.
A man in all black spoke, "you are welcome to leave but as much as you would like to," he pointed to my back, "you can't hide that forever."
I moved out of the sun's ray, "I've done pretty good so far." The man in the red cape spoke up, "I believe that but give us a chance to see if we can use your hidden talents and turn you into a hero.
A hero as if…
I reached up and touched my earring, remembering that I was once a hero to someone.
Maybe I'll give it one more try, one more try couldn't really hurt
"Fine, though I don't see how I could be of use."
A woman stood up, "can you fight?" I shrugged, "I guess, but I prefer not to, it never leads to anything good."
The woman nodded, "how capable are you at being undetected?"
The woman nodded again, "one last question, have you ever heard of the Horsemen?"
I shook my head yes, "their a powerful group of criminals. Though that's about all I know, they have no effect on my life so I mind my own."
The man in black looked me up and down, as if he was sizing me up, so I looked right back at him. "Was there something you wanted to say…"
He raised his head, "I would like to see what you can do, if you're willing."
Just keep it to a minimum, this shouldn't be that hard…
I nodded and he alone got up and told me to follow him after he told everyone else to stay.
As we walked I looked at all the things in glass cases, tools, books, seemingly random tickets, and crystals of all kinds. As we passed by a room, I caught a glance of a young man talking to a young girl, she looked slightly younger than I did and for a brief moment we locked eyes and something in me just clicked. Like the feeling when you're almost finished with a puzzle and you find that one missing piece. It felt good but I still didn't feel complete so I brushed it off.
We soon made it to a large room, it was rather bright, almost uncomfortable. Unable to adjust, I squinted my eyes to see properly.
"What are we doing in here?"
The man flicked off the lights, "I want you to try and place this sticker on my back before the time runs out and without me knowing. If you succeed then there is someone I want you to meet."
I shrugged, letting my eyes relax, he handed me the sticker and started the clock. It was a large red click just above the door, it was set for 2 minutes.
Seriously 2 minutes, he acts like this will be hard.
Before he could turn around, I ducked back into the shadows. I sat and waited for about 30 seconds then I made my move silently. I placed the sticker on his back and sat back down, just out of view. The timer soon went off and the bright lights turned back on.
The man looked at me sitting on the floor, he reached behind his back and pulled off the sticker. "Pretty good kid, come with me, there is someone I want you to meet."
I started following him back down the hall but he stopped a few steps from a room.
"The old man also brought us this young woman in here, now I don't know if you already know her or if this is some kind of joke but if it is, tell me now and you both can go home."
I could just tell him it is a joke and I could be free of this
"No, this is no joke, I am just as confused as you seem to be and I guarantee I have no clue who that girl is in there."
The man nodded his head and continued into the room. The young girl I saw earlier was there but the young man was nowhere to be seen.
Guess he left to go do something better
When I stepped into the room the same feeling I had before came back. She was looking at me like she felt it too.
"This is Grace Forest, Grace this is… I just realized, you never told me your name."
I hesitated for a moment,
Do I really want to go through with this, this could blow my cover and I'll have to move again.
Do you really want to do this~
My eyes shot open, "Elise Everwood…"
The man nodded, "Well Miss. Everwood, if you would like to give this a shot, Miss. Grace will be your teammate you will train with."
The man turned around and left me and the girl in the room alone.
"Hi, you got caught to I see."
I nodded, even though I didn't know this Grace person, I felt comfortable around her.
"Why did you agree to do this?"
She shrugged, "honestly, I have no clue, it kinda just happened. I was looking at the flowers and the pretty window on the front of the building and then the doors just opened so I walked in…"
"You just walked in?"
She nodded.
After that she just kept talking and rather than get lost in my own thoughts, I listened.


"If we really want to go through with this, we should get your sister here soon." Diana looked over at Clark, "I know, I can have her here in 5 minutes or in the morning." Clark looked at Bruce for his answer, "I say see if you can bring her in the morning, let's let Grace and Elise rest for the night. We'll introduce them in the morning." Bruce turned to the old man, "is there anyway you can get the others your promised by morning." The old man smiled, "yes, but I need something first…."

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