Lost pt.1(Fluff and original AU)

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Request by: Idkanymoreandyeah

Got in the book by Idkanymoreandyeah  it was really amazing!

Characters: G43514, Idkanymoreandyeah, Oti, Fara and I might add myself...

Let's begin...

It was a very nice day and Oti was just minding his business until Idkanymoreandyeah and G43514  walk towards to him and says

G43514:Hey Pikachu! Wanna play a game?

Oti look at G43514 and Idkanymoreandyeah

Oti:no Im doing something....

Idkanymoreandyeah look at Oti with a pleasing face and Oti signs

Oti:fine.... But what game?

G43514:Hide and seek! With Idkanymoreandyeah and me!

Oti:but what about grandpa? Who will help him?


Idkanymoreandyeah:.... Maybe..... Fara....?


Oti signs again

Oti:fine let's just finished this game... Who is the seeker?



G43514 turn around and count the number while Idkanymoreandyeah and Oti hide somewhere Idkanymoreandyeah hide in the back of the grandpa house while Oti go in the forest a little deep

G43514:2.... 1......READY OR NOT HERE I COME!

G43514 shout and go to find them.. While she/he finds them she/he sees Fara sitting in there and she/he walks toward him while Fara look at her/him


G43514:hi! Did you see Idkanymoreandyeah and Oti?

Fara:hm... I think I saw Idkanymoreandyeah going to the back of the (Grandpa's) house...

G43514:alright.. Thanks!

G43514 walks go to the back to the house.........

'Oti's POV'

Oti was just walking until he realized that he was now in a deeper of the woods/forest

Oti:... Hm... What I'm I doing again?...... Oh right the game...

Oti look up in the sky and it was getting late and he needs to go back but when he turn around he noticed the many trees and two sides (like uhh when you are in the camping and they were two sides and you two needs to separate if you know what I mean-)


Oti don't know where he should go and he started to get a little panic cuz he thinks that he was lost and yeah he is lost

'G43514's POV'

G43514 was still looking for Oti but she/he can't see him and she/he was getting worried about him(idk if you should get worried about him or not..) And she/he go to Idkanymoreandyeah who is drinking Fara's milk

G43514:hey Idkanymoreandyeah did you know where Oti went?...

She/he asked Idkanymoreandyeah who is still drinking Fara's milk as she/he look at G43514 who is worried

Idkanymoreandyeah:erm... No? Why?

G43514:um... I don't see him...


Idkanymoreandyeah said and she/he puts down the cup

'Oti's POV(again)'

Oti was walk fast and when he was walking he hears the wolfs make a sound...

Alright I'm done with a pt 1 cuz I don't have any ideas (-ω-;) But I will make pt2 when I have any ideas or the one who requires me :D

Any way bye!!!!

Idkanymoreandyeah was Fara's homemade milk....

what are you thinking? 🤨🤨🤨


Fara x Oti SMUT And FLUFF one-shotWhere stories live. Discover now