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The people in the hospital including the medical staff can't help but be curious of the arrival of the men in uniform in the hospital.

Why the sudden entrance of unlikely visitors?

It has been a week since the tragedy in Mindanao and they are here to visit their injured companion.

The commanding officer, along with two members of his special unit, walked the hallway with authority in every step.

They have reached the room and opened the door of the private room. There, Captain Michelle Dee still lies unconscious after her operation.

A bullet was lodged dangerously close to her heart from the murder attempt by an unkown foe back in Mindanao.

The forensics was able to identify the gun used by the perpetrator, a Glock 45 - unregistered.

The hostiles whom they encountered used the same kind of gun which is the Paltik. However, Colonel Gregorio Patricio also has a paltik gun in his possession that led them to think they have overlooked who they were after.

Commanding Officer Richardson has made all efforts to make Patricio sing, but the latter refuses to say anything.

For now, they have a reason to believe that the deceased and the captured traitor have at least one other accomplice from their ranks that has already fled.

The team leading the investigation is
yet to discover a piece of the puzzle.

In the meantime, CO Richardson came to visit one of his best officers after receiving a report of her condition.

HIs companions stood by the door as he sat on the empty chair placed beside her bed. He stared at the daughter of his best friend and former General Andres Dee who died five years ago.

Before leaving his commission and succumbing to his illness, he made him promise to take care of his only daughter. And yet here she is, lying on a hospital bed.

"Forgive me Andres for I have failed you," he utters to himself.

He won't be able to look at his widow's eyes if ever Michelle won't make it. Although he highly doubts the young woman will not make it through because he has always known her as a fighter.

He prays she will wake up soon.

. . .

A gun pointed at her.

A woman smirking at her.

"Goodbye dear Captain Dee."


She watched herself falling to the ground while the shooter runs away.

The same nightmare awakened her in the middle of the night, it has haunted her for a month already after getting discharged from the hospital.

She checked her phone.

It was today.

Her CO has summoned her to go to their baracks.

Of course she knows what it is about. Thus, she's thinking of something to persuade CO Richardson to rethink his decision.

By 6 AM, she was already on her way to the barracks. She was known to be panctual and today is no different. It's better to be early to an appointment than to make others wait for you.

She is to see the Commanding Officer in 0800H.

It's been a month since she step foot on the familiar grounds so she'll use her extra time to roam the place.

On the field, she could see the cadets doing their morning drills. It was many years ago when she found herself doing the same thing they are doing. It was not an easy feat but it was all worth it.

To follow in her father's footsteps was a difficult decision, especially for her mother. However, before his passing one of his dying wish was to have one of his offsprings to serve in the military.

Unfortunately, her little brother was a lost cause whose passion is in the arts. Her? Well she always wanted to be a lawyer growing up. That did not wotk out, obviously since she's wearing the same uniform her father proudly wore.

Surprisingly though, being in the service became the love of her life. She loved the challenge and the danger that came with it. Even after almost losing her life, she still wants to stay.

That's what she wanted but life doesn't always give you the satisfaction you attain for.

A week ago. CO Richardson told her of his plan of discharging her, an honorable discharge as they call it.

He is worried that continuing her service in the military would worsen her wound. The man who acted as his second father insist on making sure she fully recovers and stays away from strain.

In the midst of that, he assures her she can always come back.

It's a pretty good deal but she has nothing else to do when it happens. She'd rather stay than get holed up in her house.


She is now sitting in her CO's office, not daring to speak before he does.

"Glaring at me like that won't make me change my decision." He told the woman while his eyes remained on the stack of papers he's reading.

"Permission to speak casually, Sir."


Her stiff demeanor changed into a whiny teenager.

"Uncle, you can put me in with desk duty for the meantime just please don't make me leave."

CO Richardson looked up and removed his reading glasses.


Michelle grew frustrated.

"I can still do so much even with my injury, my team needs my guidance."

"Do you not trust Lieutenant Manuel to do your job for you? A year is all I ask Michelle. After that, you can go back to your post."

"But - "

"No buts Captain Dee. The order has been made final. As of today. You are now a civilian."

Michelle left his office, disheartened.

'This sucks.'

Later that day, her little brother called from overseas.

She had the urge to hang up on him because of his nonstop teasing for being jobless.

Then, he brought up the idea of making her fly overseas to see him. He had the audacity to guilt trip her for always being unreachable when he wanted to bond with her. In his words, "Stay with me here for at least a month to make up for the countless times you rejected my invitation of vacationing with you."

"Fine, a month." She reluctantly agreed then hang up.

Since she had nothing else to do then it would be better to take an out-of-the country trip than stay holed up in her home.

The sooner, the better.

. . .

She found herself at the NAIA Airport the following day, waiting to board the plane.

Her mother drove her earlier and was actually proud of her for acting as the goody big sister.

"Ladies and gentlemen, this is the final boarding call for passengers on flight TG 621 to Bangkok, Thailand. Please proceed to gate 1 immediately. The final checks are being completed and the captain will order for the doors of the aircraft to close in approximately five minutes time. I repeat this is the final boarding call for flight TG 621 to Bangkok. Thailand."

Her time in Thailand better be worth it or else she'll drag her own ass back to Manila.

Here goes nothing.

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