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your legs hung over the metal edge of the roof, absentmindedly kicking the heal of your shoe into the brick below. the sun had created a watercolour painting across the sky, blending the white clouds into a wispy paint stroke. it started to meld into the colour palette of the world around you, surfaces turning yellow and golden as the light bounced off the buildings nearby.

your ears flinched slightly at the cawing of birds below and above you, looking for a place to land. you heard a few of them drop down onto the ground behind you, their small webbed feet puttering across the smooth concrete surface while flapping their wings. you sniffed quietly, looking down at your lap as your hands rested on your thighs. the tear that had been lingering on your chin had finally dropped into your palm, earning a sigh.

you wiped your eyes with a rough sleeve, forgetting how much you hated the fabric of the school uniform as it scratched your eyelids. the tear stains remained on your cheeks but at least you weren't leaking as much.
a warm breeze ran past you, now bathing in warmth and sunlight as your gloom continued to seep out.

his hand cracked the door open, giving the metal a shove with his shoulder as it caught on rocks below the trim. he stumbled out slightly, bottoms of his shoes skitting across the small rocks and the birds that were initially strone about now fluttering away with a squack. he turned to shut the door with his back.
his hand reached for the back of his neck and he let out a rough sigh, brushing off his shoulder to rid whatever dust was there. he made a move to look up and stretch his back, preparing to let the afternoon glow soak into his skin as he dreamt off into whatever headspace he created to deal with that day.

instead of his empty rooftop that bathed in the pink hue of the sun, he was met with the back of you.
it made his nose scrunch, having someone in his space. barely knowing you didn't help the fact that you were a foreigner in his territory. he threw his head back with a silent yell, complaining to himself as he rubbed his eyes in frustration.

he moved closer to you with a loose stride, the mood that he had built up and planned to meditate in had plummeted.
Bakugou didn't like other people. even his closest friends, they were still in his space. it was his space for a reason.
he wanted you gone, he wanted to pick you up and put you back into the stairwell like a cat being kicked out into the rain. you needed to go.

another thing Bakugou hated was dealing with other peoples emotions, visually and manually. he barely understood his own so he avoided everyone else's for fear of doing something that isn't acceptable by everyone else, or getting in trouble for the wrong reaction or response.
so when he expected you to be drawing or listening to music, hoping it would make the process of asking you to leave much easier, he was very disappointed to find you hunched over with your lap empty and the only thing in your hands was the puddles of tears falling from your face.

Bakugou didn't know what to do. jesus christ why is he always forced into these scenarios. does he say something? startling you will scare you and you'll fall of the roof and he doesn't feel like playing hero right now. that was the whole reason he came to the rooftop. he wiped his face with a slightly sweaty hand and swallowed the angry noise in his throat.

"uhh..." he mustered out, finding it a good way to establish his presence without means of actually touching you or saying your name (which he didn't know). you glanced over to him with a reddened face. your nose similar to a cherry tomato  and your eyelashes clumped together from the tears that kept running down your cheeks.

"eeuuggh" he thought, gritting his teeth and debating his next course of actions. he hated when people cried, even himself. its vulnerable and ugly to watch.

"what do you want Katsuki" you sniffed, not bothering to be formal since it didn't matter anyway. it was Bakugou you were talking to, nothing about him made you feel the need to be respectful.

watercolour empathy (Bakugou Katsuki x reader)Where stories live. Discover now