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I got up the next morning mary and the kids were asleep I went downstairs and got breakfast for everyone vlad came in

"Dean you guys ok I heard what happened from the guards how's Mary and the kids"

"Relax vlad mary and the kids are ok some of the staff was killed and Draco also died"

"Oh Dean I'm so sorry I know how much he meant to you is there anything I can do for you"

"You mind if some of my staff stay at one of your places"

"Sure it's no problem you guys want to stay there too"

"No we will go to the cabin it just finished being rebuilt a couple months ago we have just been too busy to go see it Oh talk to the construction guys so we can get the house rebuilt"

"Will do Oh this is for you it's from Draco he told me to give it to you after he passed"

"What thanks vlad"

We hugged and went our separate ways I went back to mary she was up I handed her a coffee and sat on the bed letter in hand

"What you got there"

"It's a letter from Draco"

She spit out her coffee

"What are you serious"

"Yea vlad gave it to me just now Draco told him to give it to me after he died I guess he really was dieing"

"Well you going to read it"

"I'm nervous but yea I will"

I opened the letter it was his hand writing I began to read it out loud

"Dear Dean and mary I'm sorry for not telling you in person but I just couldn't bring myself to tell you you have been so busy and you have finally been happy I worried about you for a long time when I met you dean I thought you were just some moody kid but watching you grow up all these years I couldn't be more proud of you and mary just thank you are like a daughter to me you have brought so much life back to this place you changed everything even turned my bratty kid into a real man you even brought a bundle of joy into this world I'm sad I won't be able to see him grow up too I'm sure he will be a fine man and Sara will be a fine woman too I'm glad I got to be a grandpa to her too it was fun while it lasted as my final goodbye I have just one request keep living having fun and Dean find time to relax and smell the roses have fun with your family and friends goodbye Dean Mary I love you guys always and forever"

I put the letter in my pocket and wiped the tears from my face I looked at mary she was crying just as much

"Damn it old man had to make me cry just one more time didn't you"

"I can't believe that he's really gone I'm going to miss him"

We hugged and cried together then we heard Bruce crying we wiped our tears and mary took care of him

"What should we do now we don't have a place to live and I don't think your sis can house all of us"

"I talked to vlad everyone is going to one of his places we can go back to the cabin"

"I thought it was destroyed"

"It was I got it rebuilt they finished a couple months ago"

"I have missed the cabin it was nice and peaceful there"

We woke up sara and had breakfast I told the staff where they were going to stay then we went to the cabin with the pups glad none of them got hurt the cabin was almost identical  to the old one sara was blown away and ran all over the place checking everything out with deamon there was a note on one of the tables it read upstairs 3rd and 2nd door there's a surprise for you guys

"What's it say"

"There's a surprise for us upstairs in 2 of the rooms"

We went upstairs with sara and opened the 2nd door it had a sign that said sara on the door it was a room that had paintings of dragons on the ceiling and wolves running in a forest on the walls a big stuffed dog on her bed it was so cool

"Wow this is so cool this is my room"

"Yea guess everyone put it together for you let's check out the other room"

The third door had a sign that said Bruce we went in and it was a similar designs on the walls and ceiling there was a changing spot a crib with alot of detail with wolves and dragons there was a note on it that said from Draco

"Damn old man your amazing"

"Draco made this it's amazing"

She put Bruce in the crib and sara was checking out her room I went outside and sat on the porch swing mary sat next to me

"I can't believe they did this"

"Same so much has changed these last few years"

"I know it's hard to belive it all started when I met you thank you mary you really have made me a better man gave me a family I couldn't be more happy or grateful to you"

"Well you have saved my life multiple times I had to pay you back and besides I love you there's nothing I wouldn't do for you"

"I love you too and there's nothing I wouldn't do for you"

"Mom dad there you are I'm hungry wats for lunch"

I chuckled

"Come on kiddo I'll make you something"

"You can cook I didn't know"

"Of course I can it's your mom that needs help cooking"

Mary slapped my arm

"Hey I'm not that bad of a cook"

"I know I'm just teasing come on I'll teach you how to cook kiddo"

"Yay food"

I stood up and thought to think this all started because I saved a dragon girl

the boy and the dragon girlWhere stories live. Discover now