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'Why, why... why'

these were the exact words that filled through young izukus mind as he was told about his lack of a quirk, all hopes and dreams izuku ever had of becoming a hero were shattered that day upon the realization that he was quirk-less.

"A-are you one hundred percent sure doc?" izukus worried mother asked

"im afraid i am, you see those who have a quirk have evolved to need an extra joint in the toe, and you see your son has this joint" the doctor said whilst pulling up an x-ray of izukus foot.

"but both me and my husband have a quirk, how is it possible izuku doesn't have one?" inko said, still shaken from the news.

"whilst it is rare, a child can have parents who both posses a quirk where as they do not have one, and vice versa some kids have parents who both do not have quirks yet they get one." the doctor responded.

as the adults were talking about his lack of a quirk izuku was left to his own thoughts. 'why didn't i get a quirk, its not fair' izuku thought. he was unable to comprehend that he was quirk-less as everything he idolised, cherished and yearned for revolved around having a quirk and using it for the greater good of society, and now he was basically blocked from doing so. to cope with this he started to repeat that 'they must of gotten something wrong' in his head. in his mind he had be a hero, its the only thing he had ever wanted, to help people with a smile on his face, just like his idol 'Allmight', the pinnacle of heroes, and to be great just like him he would need a quirk.

at this point izuku had started to form tears in his eyes, soon they had started to roll down his cheeks, with no sign of stopping.

in a saddened voice izuku asked a question that was plaguing his mind "can i still be a... hero" before inko could chime in to help comfort her son the doctor instead told him in a blunt and forward way that "no, no you cant be a hero, its just to dangerous for a quirk-less person for not only themselves but also for others, im sorry kid but its the truth".

izuku had become inconsolable as he sat there bawling his eyes out as his mother tried her best to comfort him. for the rest of the day it was a constant fit of crying from izuku, inko tried her best but nothing got through to him, it wasn't until izuku went to bed when the crying finally stopped.

 from this day onwards izuku was never the same, he was shunned by society, thought of as worthless, he wasn't granted the same dignity from others, he had become a punching bag for those around him. he had nothing he had no friends, no girlfriend, no dignity, no respect, nothing just because he had no quirk, the only person that showed any love and support to him was his mother, yet with her being a single mother working at a hospital taking shifts that would start early morning and late night, it would leave little time together.

izukus mind at a young age had started to metaphorically rot from all this hatred and envy towards others, his mind was filled with a rage that he had to supress, at every waking moment he felt the desire to go ballistic, tear everything up, destroy everyone around him. as he had nothing else to do, he would usually just sit in his room fantasizing about getting revenge making everyone feel pain just like he had, he had a book which was filled with all his thoughts and ideas, it would have anything from pages of self deprecation to meticulous plans on how he could cause grave pains on others to analyzing the quirks that he would see throughout his life.

he had trouble connecting with others as once they learnt he had no quirk there would be a clear disconnect between them going forward, it was as if he wasn't a human like everyone else and instead it was as if he was some lowly dumb animal. his disconnect from the people around him started with his ex-best friend Katsuki Bakugo, it was from him that he was dealt the most pain as upon learning about him not having a quirk he became izukus prime antagonizer, relentlessly bullying him every moment he got.

once izuku was at the age of 14 his ideals were the complete opposite of what he wanted to be when he was a kid, instead of wanting to become a hero to help people, all he wanted now was to hurt people, make them feel the pain that he had to feel.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02 ⏰

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