Name: Oz Beck
Nicknames: Ozie, Ozwald
Age: 15-18
Species: Half fuzzy winged angle
Sexuality: Gay/No
Gender: M
Likes: Flying, being with someone he likes, running, cotton candy
Dislikes: Death, his wings, eating
Personality: Mean, rude, scared easily, "hates" you, doesn't like having to hide emotions so much. Bitchy
Looks: He is 5'7 with died red hair that's really dark. He wears shorts with tang tops most the time. Brown eyes like a standard bitch. He likes his hair tied in a loose bun. His stomach has surgery so it gets hard for him to eat when he's stressed.
Favorite song: Let Me Down Slowly by Alec Benjamin
Favorite animal: Koala
Favorite game: Never Have I Ever
Favorite snack: Babies
Favorite movie: Smallville
Backstory: Oz wasn't always so cold-hearted. He was actually a really likeable kid, until he "robbed" a store. He was sent to juvenile jail for a long time. He wasn't the same ever since. He lost his friends. He never made new ones. He wanted to but nobody was willing to be friends with a "robber".
Kinks: Unknown
Pets: 3 ferrets (Dobs, Guil, Frow)
Fears: Ornithophobia: fear of birds
Allergies: Glitter