chapter 8

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Bea's POV

Myles was walking up the steps with kind of a sad look on his face. I hate it when he does this. He makes me feel like i did something wrong. He stopped at the last step abd stayed there as if he was going to get away faster if he stepped back.

"Listen b-." he almost said

"Myles im not gonna talk to you if you're gonna stand that far away from me. The waterfall is way to loud, and no one else needs to hear the conversation besides us." I said

"You promise you wont try to murder me after this?" He asked

"Maybe.......... depending on what it is." I said

"Well, Kalin is dating someone. Someone that you dont like. Someone you hate. Someone who you will possibly go to jail for someday." He said

"Myles just say it!...... actually i'll say it for you. Kalin is dating Jasmine. You didnt want me to know because of everything that just happened. You're good friends with her now, and you didnt want to tell me because you remember the agreement we made when we first became friends. I dont care if he is dating her. I really dont. Not at all. Im just dissapointed in you for breaking a promise that you made. Thats not cool Myles!" I said

Then Kalin and Jasmine started walking up. They walked up hand in hand. Kalin looked sad, and Jasmine as usual had that little haha i beat you to it bitch smirk on her face.

"Look Beatrice.-" Kalin started off.

"Wait. Stop right there. You call me Beatrice because of a little baby now!? This is your fault im not gonna even let you finish what ever you wanted to say to me! Im done with you! Absolutely done! And since you still wanna see your kid and not me i'll sign the adoption forms for you! I really hope your happy with yourself! Have a good time with your side chick while i have the best time of my life with my MAIN!" I yelled

I pushed passed Kalin, and went back down to the bottom of the stairs. Austin already knew that Cam was gonna do what he did, so he is fine with it, and will still help out.

"Ready to go? Cam asked

"Please." I said quietly

He and the rest of the boys got up. They all took their own car.

(Their cars will be next chapter). Cam and i held hands all the way to the car. He opened the passenger door for me and i hopped in. Then he jogged around and got in the drivers sear. Before buckiling his seatbelt, he leaned over and planted another kiss on my stomach. Then we started to drive off.

-_- At home -_-

Cameron has his own house, so i convinced Caleb and Tommy to let me stay with him. Surprisingly, they said i could stay there for the pregnancy. We walked through the door, and my stomach randomly started hurting. This used to happen to me all of the time as a kid. But now with a kid inside of me, and a stomach ache, it hurts 10× worse. I told Cameron, and he carried me up to his room and laid me down on his bed. Then he laid down next to me rubbing my stomach while i cried into his shirt from the pain.

"Bea its okay. I'm right here. Calm down." He whispered

"Shhhhh" he said.

He always knew that would put me to sleep. Its the same thing my dad would do to me when i was little. Soon my eyes got heavy, and everything went black.

##2 months later##

Today i turn 3 months pregnant, and everything is going great. I have an appointment with my doctor to see how the baby is doing, and to see what the gender is. My belly has gotten quite big, and Cameron will not go an hour without kissing it. Last month, he asked me to be his girlfriend, and gave me a promise ring. Its absolutely beautiful. I wait as Cam gets his stuff together, and we head out of the door. As we walk out we see the two people we only want to see in hell. Kalin and Jasmine.

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