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''which way is your class?'' ryan asked.

makayla checked her timetable before looking at the buildings for a moment. ''left i think.''

''okay, i have to go right.'' he replied. ''i'll see you later.''

''wait, ryan?''


''i have tryouts for lacrosse at two. do you wanna, like, come along? to support me or whatever? or just watch me fall on my ass? either one is good with me.''

he laughed. ''i'll be there, mak.''

''thanks.'' she smiled. ''see you later.''

makayla made her way across campus to her building, looking at the numbers on the rooms anxiously. she didn't even care about her class and she was going to skip, but ryan told her that she couldn't skip her first ever class and made her get up. since she was on her way, she really didn't want to be late.

she found her class and pushed the door open. despite being two minutes early, the room was full and everybody turned to see who had just walked in. she tried to look for an empty spot but most of them were full and she slipped into the closest seat. she was grabbing her things from her bag when the girl next to her turned.



''i was so close to skipping this class.'' the girl said. ''i'm so hungover right now.''

''i was going to skip - my roommate forced me to come.''

''mine too!'' she laughed. ''my name's ruby.''

''i'm makayla.''

''cool name.''

''thanks.'' the brunette smiled. ''you like history?''

ruby nodded. ''i know it's kinda nerdy, but i love it. what about you?''

''i just picked whatever i thought was easiest.'' she admitted. 

''didn't you want to come to college?'' 

''it was never my plan but things change.''

''i get that.'' ruby replied. ''did you go to the bonfire on the first night?''

''yeah, did you?''

''yes.'' she said before leaning closer to makayla. ''i'm going to a party tonight if you want to come?''

''how many parties are there?'' makayla muttered.

ruby laughed. ''it's the first week of college, bitch. there's loads.''

''can i invite ryan? he's my roommate.''

''of course! invite whoever you want! just say ruby invited you to get in and then come find me when you arrive.''

she was about to reply to her new found friend when she felt somebody tap her shoulder. both her and ruby turned to the person, and makayla sighed heavily. she knew chris was going to be in her class, but did he really have to sit at the desk right behind her?

''hi, makayla.''

she was surprised to hear her full name coming from his mouth, and it caught her so off-guard that she didn't reply for a moment.

''hi, chris.'' ruby replied.

not only was makayla even more confused now, but she could see that chris was confused by the dumbfounded look on his face. 

GREEDY, ℂ𝕙𝕣𝕚𝕤 𝕤𝕥𝕦𝕣𝕟𝕚𝕠𝕝𝕠Where stories live. Discover now