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I stretch my neck from side to side, shutting my eyes and taking a deep breath, slowly counting down from ten. The fragrance of pine cleaner mingles with the faint metallic tang of blood, invading my senses and pulling me away from reality.

The darkness envelops me, offering a soothing urgency. Despite the deviation from our original plan, everything is under control. The possibility of losing some of my men tonight doesn't deter me. If anything, their decision to attack now plays to our advantage. Home field advantage is a powerful asset. Our arsenal here surpasses anything they might bring. There's no need to fret over potential complications tonight.

Yes, I can handle this. It may not unfold as I initially envisioned, but that's alright. Adapting to them coming here is entirely feasible. This is my turf, and it's about time they learn the consequences of crossing paths with a viper.

My shoulders loosen, and a calm washes over me, transforming the anger into a sense of relief. I surrender completely to the darkness.

Abruptly, the ground appears beneath me, catching me off guard as I search for an edge that never materializes. It dawns on me that the bottomless cavern is just another corridor within the recesses of my mind. Regaining my composure, I rise to my feet, surrounded by the black depths of the pit. Each turn reveals tunnels of darkness, shutting out the outside world and ensnaring me in an eternal night. Somewhere in the depths, her hauntingly sweet call resonates, sending a shiver down my spine. The beautiful melody is a familiar dance; she beckons me, promising to take me back home.

Silently moving toward the center of my mind's abyss, her presence draws near. It's as soft as the gentle morning breeze from the Derisle Sea, yet a thousand times more lethal. Her essence infiltrates my senses, and though she's unsure of what she seeks, I'm more than willing to guide her.

She's attempting to fathom why, after all this time, I have finally come to her. Unlike every other instance, I allow her in, hopeful that she'll discern my true intentions.

I've resisted admitting it to myself, but her constant, silent presence since Cameron's tragic death has gradually eroded my resolve. I've heard her persistent, sweet cries, urging me to embrace the darkness and reveal our true nature.

Fortunately for her, I've never been one to deny anyone, including myself, what they desire. Beyond my breaking point, I'm prepared to unleash this hell, and I need her. A small flicker of doubt arises deep in my stomach, sending a chilling rush through my bones. My innocence pleads, urging me to turn around, desperately clinging to the girl I once was. Recognizing that a part of me still yearns to see the good in things, I grant myself one last opportunity to do so. I might regret this later, but one thing is certain: this decision to grant myself freedom will forever alter my fate, and I am prepared to embrace that.

If this is the moment to snap and shatter every known boundary, I willingly and freely accept it. I am ready to change my fate to shield others from the encroaching darkness that plagues our city. I am willing and able to commit unspeakable acts against anyone who dares stand in the way of keeping it at bay. I'll do everything within my power to find the savior these people desperately need, even if it isn't me.

A breathy whisper brushes against my ear, sending a shiver down my spine, "You are... intriguing. Very intriguing indeed."

I swallow as my mouth goes dry, "I, um-," Tucking a strand of hair behind my ear, I avert my gaze to the bottomless pit below us, "I'm not that interesting."

"Funny," She scoffs, dusting a nonexistent particle off my shoulder, "Most people that are uninteresting don't have to say that."

Tapping the hair behind my ear, it falls back over my face. Slowly dragging my gaze from the ground, I finally make eye contact with my darkness, the profound, darkest version of who I am, and shudder.

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