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Muzan was experimenting to create a medicine that would make him walk under the sun. He had a human bring it to him. It looked a little like a blue spider lily and was black in color. The drink was ready, so Muzan drank it and started waiting for the effect. He suddenly felt extremely dizzy and began to stagger. He tried to hold himself together and not fall, but he did not succeed. Muzan fell to the ground in the Infinite Castle and began coughing violently and spitting blood.
Muzan *weak*: n. N.Na.Ki.Mi I n ne ed *passes out*
Nakimi didn't know what to do or who to summon, so she summoned all the upper and lower moons, perhaps at least one of them could help her master.
In one fell swoop everyone there was surprised to be summoned this way and at this time  . They looked at Muzan's workplace and found him lying unconscious there, the floor and his clothes stained with blood, and blood coming out of his mouth. 
They all screamed in terror and fear: Muzan sama
Akaza jumped up to him and started examining him. He noticed how Muzan was panting and struggling to breathe. Akaza tried to carry him, but he couldn't. Muzan was too heavy for him, so he shouted: Hey, Kokushibo, come and carry him, and then Nakimi, take us to Muzan-sama's room.
Exactly what he asked for, as soon as they were in Muzan's room, Kokushibo put him on his king-sized bed. Everyone rushed there, where Akaza was checking on Muzan, and Kokushibo was standing next to the bed.
Kokushibo looked at them and motioned for them to leave, and they did leave, except for Douma, who remained there. He walked up to them, and he put on a worried expression that he had no feelings , and said with feigned concern: “So, how is Muzan-sama, Akaza-dono?”Akaza: This is not a disease that I have dealt with before, and it seems to me that Mozan-sama’s condition is very bad.Douma Bring comfortable kimono from the closet for Muzan-sama Kokoshibo. He helps me take off his clothes so we can put the kimono on him.
Akaza raised Muzan slightly and placed a cup of water at his master's mouth and He tried to get him to drink it to wake up Indeed, Muzan opened his eyes slowly and weakly and said: Aka za ko.Ko.Shi.Bo
Akaza began to take off Muzan's clothes quietly while saying tenderly: "There's no need to worry, Muzan-sama. You'll be fine. Let's help you now."
Akaza knew deep down that he was lying because, unfortunately, Muzan's condition was very dangerous
Doma brought the kimino from the closet and helped Kokushibo and Akaza dress Muzan in it. They placed him on the bed again. Akaza covered him with a comfortable blanket and said in a soft tone: Do you feel comfortable like this?
Muzan just nodded and fell asleep.
They left the room and Akaza said after his tone changed to one of frustration, "I'm afraid Muzan-sama won't survive this."
All the other Moons who were there shouted, each saying that Muzan-sama would definitely survive this
To be continued
Do you think what that flower did to Mozan? Write to me in the comments   

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⏰ آخر تحديث: Dec 19, 2023 ⏰

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