Chapter 7

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Warm laughter drifts from the kitchen as you head downstairs

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Warm laughter drifts from the kitchen as you head downstairs. After the complete and utter disaster that was this morning, you spent longer than usual getting ready for the day. Mostly, you spent time in the shower, the water cranked to a temperature barely legal to stand in.

Definitely still my favorite wake-up method. Cringing again, you stop in the hall. If Jimin didn't hear the desperation in your voice, you'd be surprised. You might as well have thrown your leg over his waist or told him you still think about him when you come. From the way Jimin yeeted himself out of the bed, it's clear he doesn't feel the same way.

For all you know, he's been 'moving on' for months now. Stomach sinking, you recall the age-old adage about break-ups. Women feel the most at first, slowly getting better until, three months later, they're ready to start dating again. Men are the opposite, throwing themselves into every open bed until, three months in, they realize how good they had it back then.

Feeling somewhat foolish, you wonder if Jimin has been sleeping around. He's a world-famous NHL player – it's not like he would be at a loss for options. Women and men hotter, funnier, and smarter than you are probably lining themselves up for the chance.

No, you reiterate, shaking your head. Even if he has been seeing other people, Jimin asked you to come with him to Garland. You're the one he invited, which he wouldn't have done if there was someone else in the picture.

Hovering outside the kitchen, you listen in. Hoseok laughs at something Jimin's dad said, and Jisoo is asking her mom for more fruit. Jimin says he's got it, making your chest tighten. This was the family you were supposed to be a part of; the future you envisioned for nearly four years.

Still, you manage to keep your smile in place as you enter. "Good morning!" you chirp, heading straight for the coffee.

Jisoo glances up from the table. "Y/N!" she says, shoving back her chair. "I was half-asleep last night and didn't properly hug you. Come here!"

Passing Hana and Ari, who are giggling at something Jimin just said, Jisoo wraps you warmly in her arms. Laughing, you squeeze her back and feel some of your tension fade. Jisoo is one of your favorite people on the planet, and a role model you look up to.

Three years older than Jimin, she completed her residency while planning her wedding and became pregnant with twins her first year at UW Medicine. A year ago, she and Hoseok decided to uproot their lives and move to Garland for a promotion – Jisoo became an attending physician, which was rare for someone with only three years of specialty.

Before this year, you used to talk all the time. With the move and Jimin's injury, you haven't spoken as much, which explains why she didn't realize something was wrong. Or maybe she did, but simply doesn't know how bad things are.

At long last, Jisoo separates to look you up and down. "You're way too skinny," she huffs, tugging you forward. "Come on, have breakfast. The girls want to make Christmas cookies later this morning."

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