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She's still mine. Not that I would let her go in any case but she's still choosing to be here. Still choosing us. Obviously there are still logistics to be worked out. As much as I hope it doesn't happen she could always change her mind about the entire thing. For now I'll just be grateful and deal with that bridge if we by chance have to cross it which I'm desperately hoping we won't.

Still there's no time to celebrate. By the way Lennox tries to avoid my eyeline is clearly a sign that she knows it too. My truth has all been said, laid out in front of her and now it is time for her to do the same. My Little Lennox must not know I'm hellbent on getting the truth out of her.

"I think you know what I want to know Lennox." She turns even further from me, keeping her face out of sight. As if that would do anything to deter me from the goal. In my life I am always the predator and right now she is my prey. My eyes stalk her face and even though she is faced away from me I know she can feel my sight set on her. Practically burning a hole in the side of her face.

"Telling you puts you at risk. Don't you understand that?" My eyebrows raise at her words. "I guess that doesn't matter now..." I was waiting for her to realize that Jackson Dane is no match for me. His small piece of the world holds no weight in comparison to the empire I have built and maintain.

"Will you tell me?" My finger grazes the side of her cheek. Soft as usual. Even when I shouldn't I can't help but touching her, feeling her.

She turns to look at me with all the seriousness I have ever seen from her. The weight of the world can be seen in her eyes. Giving so much of herself to save others weighs on her. After she fights for everyone else who fights for her? Who gives just as much as she does for her?

"It was a horrible night." She sucks in a breath, closing her eyes as she does so. "We had just secured half of the funding for the upcoming campaign. Officially I had been hired that same day, which in retrospect should've been a clear sign that some shit was about to go down. The Golden Maison has always been the place that most of the higher ranked political officials partied. I can't even begin to imagine all the depravity that happened at those camera-less and NDA-signed parties." She couldn't but I could. After this I may have to rip the place apart board by board for the inconvenience it's caused her. "Anyhow it had gotten back to Jackson that there would be a party that night everyone would be there including some representatives from the White House. Of course he pushed Cameron to go, more like forced him to."

"Cameron didn't want to go?"

Her face turns up as if she smells something foul. "God no. He hated those parties, even for him they were too sordid. To get what you want in those spaces you had to give. Immature, conceited, and at times unconcerned is how Cameron is in general, but in no way is he a cheater. If you're not sitting with one woman in your lap at least they won't take you seriously. When I say Caeron worships the ground Marie walks on...he would never hurt her that way. Unfortunately Jackson had his ways of making Cameron do as he says." I care very little for that man but I'm starting to realize his relationship with his father isn't as close-knit as they would have the public believe. Defying his father through his image is the best way he can get back at him without risking too much. Maybe that deserves some level of respect in its own right. "That night Cameron went to the party of course there were women paid to do as they do. It was him and two representatives from the White House, ones that are very close with members of the cabinet and the VP. For them the women weren't enough especially once Cameron wasn't engaging. I don't know what drugs they were passing around but one of the women overdosed. A PR nightmare if there ever were to be one. Everyone was scattering trying to get out of there, no one even called the police. Cameron called me." There's a beat of silence to let me take in the words she's just said. From the look on her face she expects me to be disappointed but I'm not. "When I got there I distanced Cameron as much as possible, shit the two reps and the other women had left before I could get there. One woman saw me come in as she was slipping out but it was of no consequence. At least not really."

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