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  Qin Suyun had no idea what happened to Chen Zhou and Xu Rong. She was picking up various overturned utensils at home, and was thinking about how to find an excuse to send baskets of charcoal to the injured in the village tomorrow so that it wouldn't be so out of the blue.

  Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!——

  Qin Suyun's ears suddenly heard bursts of banging sounds, as if countless stones were falling from the sky!

  Qin Suyun's expression suddenly changed, and she quickly dropped her work to see what was going on outside?!

  However, just by looking like this, Qin Suyun's originally ugly face became even more serious at this time!

  Outside the window, large swaths of white hail suddenly fell from the sky! Any one of those hailstones would be as big as an egg! Some of them were even larger than the weight of a human head.


  Qin Suyun only heard a loud noise from the top floor of her house, and a hailstone the size of a watermelon, weighing more than ten kilograms, rolled down from above. "No! This hailstone must have hit the glass house on the third floor just now!"

  Although the glass house in my house is made of bulletproof glass, I don't know if it can be protected from such a big hailstone!

  I have just experienced an earthquake, and I encountered such a heavy hailstorm in the blink of an eye. Those who were still staying in the open space and living in shacks in the village moved their positions. Zhao Xingguo and his son carried the injured villagers and organized everyone to escape into the nearest houses despite the hail.

  The village, which had just regained a little vitality, became panicked again, and the screams of people crying and screaming floated throughout the village.

  Even if they were moved in time, many people were injured by hail falling from the sky!

  The most serious one was his head being hit by hailstones and his head was bleeding. If he hadn't taken a deep breath and ran into the nearest house while escaping, he might have been paralyzed in the hailstorm!

  "Village Chief! What do you think we should do now?! We just experienced an earthquake, so why did hail come again in the blink of an eye? Shouldn't hail only appear in summer?"

  Many villagers were crowded into a house with Zhao Xingguo. The original owner of the house, Wu Chenglei, was looking at Zhao Xingguo anxiously and asking.

  "That's right, village chief! Isn't it supposed to be snowing in this winter? How come there is such a big hail suddenly?"

  Hearing the sound of ping-ping-pong-pong-pong-pong all around and looking at the hailstones falling from the sky, many villagers had red eyes.

  "This damn bitch, does it mean he doesn't want us to live? Is he doing this to us?" They had never heard of those hailstones as big as watermelons before!

  "Don't be like this, calm down first. There will always be a solution to everything! You can't let God force you to death!" Zhao Xingguo sighed and encouraged the surrounding villagers not to give up, "We are here If something like this happens, it won't take long for the higher authorities to come down to rescue us and help us rebuild later. So as long as we survive these few days, it will be fine!"

  "Yes, yes! The village chief is right. There was an earthquake here originally, and everyone's houses were gone. Now the hail is coming. Anyway, it won't be worse. When the time comes, the government's rescue will come. Maybe they can build us new houses!" Among the crowd, some positive and optimistic people also tried to enlighten the frustrated villagers around them, "When there were earthquakes in the north and Sichuan and Sichuan, those places were more damaged than ours. It's even more amazing! In the end, didn't the government help us rebuild it? It will be better, more beautiful, and more beautiful! By then we may be able to live in new high-rise buildings in the entire village!" 

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