Big brother Technoblade.

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Techno glanced up from his book every few seconds. He didn't need to but there were some sketchy people around.

Nevertheless, Wilbur never left his sight. And Tommy didn't leave a ten-foot radius of him.

Wilbur skipped around shoving children in a game of tag and seek. Whatever that was, Techno couldn't figure out the rules.

It didn't matter the sketchy people stayed away and Techno was content with his book.

Phil hadn't called and Techno was wishing he didn't. He liked the peaceful aura setting around the park.

Tommy huffed, spitting his binky on the ground. "Techie. Whud dis?" Tommy asked.

He held up a shiny rock. "It's a rock." He answered. Tommy glared at it. "It's soopid." He chucked the rock.

Techno smiled at him. "Why is it stupid?" He asked. Tommy blinked.

He glanced down and picked up a piece of bark chip "Techie. Whud dis?" He held it up.

"It's wood." Techno huffed and laughed. Tommy frowned. "what's 'ood?" He asked.

"Wood is what a tree is made from." Techno answered, Tommy huffed struggling to his feet.

"A tee?" Tommy pointed to a large tree a bit away. Techno nodded finally closing his book. He knelt and picked up the binky brushing it off

Tommy preened under the attention. "Wunna go look at it. We might find bugs." Techno said.

Tommy nodded quickly and held up his hands. "TECHNO!" Wilbur ran up.

Techno frowned at him. "What?" He asked. Wilbur bounced in place, the eight-year-old grinning madly.

"The workers just said we could play on the tire swing now!" He exclaimed happily

Techno sighed and looked down at Tommy. The boys eyes widen as he stared Wilbur.

"Please Techno?" Wilbur asked, he scooped Tommy up and then helped him to his face making the cutest face.

Tommy did the same.

Both looks slowly wormed into Techno's heart and loosened his resolve.

He shouldn't push Tommy on the tire he was too small. He shouldn't push Wilbur on the swing it'd trigger his asthma.

But they were so cute.

He took a deep breath. "Fine " he grumbled. Tommy cheered and stuck his hand out. Techno grabbed it and let them lead him to the tire swing.

Tommy giggling all other way. Techno lift Tommy up and set his hands on the chains. The three year old gripping them tightly.

Techno leaned down and lift Wilbur by his armpits to the swing. He grinned at Techno moving one hand to tightly hold Tommy on the chain.

An extra precaution.

Techno took a deep breath and the grabbed the edge. He pulled it back and pushed.

Tommy laughed and Wilbur pouted. "We could do this on a normal swing. Go in circles!" He exclaimed.

Techno cringed and followed the order. Wilbur whooped and laughed as Tommy started to look scared. Techno watched him carefully.

"Can I get on?" A hand pulled at Techno's shirt hem.

He looked down a small girl about Wilbur age with pink hair stared at him. He hesitated.

Someone else to hold Tommy would be perfect. He nodded and stopped the moving tire.

Wilbur complained but stopped seeing the girl. Techno held out his hands and she walked in.

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