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Les Cactus



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I Walk behind Michele and her new friend Simone into our classroom for the year. I wasn't exactly thrilled I was put in the same class as Michele, but unfortunately there's nothing I can do about it.

Mrs Giraud stands at the very front of the classroom, in front of her desk. As Michele, Simone and I walk past her we greet her and say good morning.

The two of them sit on the right side of the classroom next to the windows. I study the rest of the classroom and the rows of desks that are slowly being filled by the rest of the students.

I spot an empty desk at the very back of the room on the left side. Quickly I walk over to it before someone else could take it and set my bag down.

A boy with Mousey coloured hair and glasses walked down the corridor between the desks and stops at my desk, looking down at me.

"Your in my seat." He says as if he expected me to move and apologise to him.

"There's plenty of other empty seats, I also got here first. Maybe be a bit quicker to class next time." I tell him.

He lets out a sarcastic sounding chuckle and shakes his head. "Well, I suppose I'll just have to sit here then."

The boy whom i have yet to learn the name of pulls the chair next to me out and takes a seat, before putting his bag on the table in front of him.

As everyone settled down into their seats the same blonde girl I had seen in the morning, walked in and looked around the classroom, her only available seats being next to Pichon at the front or next to another boy at the back.

The boy next to me leans forward to his friend and whispers in his ear. "Pichon looks like his about to piss himself." He snickers which earned him a glare from me.

The Blonde girl takes a seat next to Pichon before The teacher speaks. "I am Mrs Giraud, your home room teacher." She stops mid sentence and looks at the blonde girl in confusion before looking over to where I'm sat.

"Both of you stand up please, what are your names." She says.

Annick stands up first quite enthusiastically, while I wait a few moments before doing so. "Annick Sabiani." She says as everyone looks at her and then to me.

"Nadine Magnan."

"Where do you girls think you are, do you think it's okay to sit next to a boy? Miss Magnan, do not think that just because your the Deans niece that it means you get a free pass. Get your things and move next to Miss Sabiani." She orders causing me to let out a huff of annoyance and to quickly pack my things.

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