graduated queen

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y/n's pov:

"yeah... i just can't wait to leave this school" i said. "well, since your time is coming up to leave, do you have any plans set up?" ms jett asked. ms jett is our school counselor. i can't believe my life is just living in school, and sitting in a counsellor's office all day. i go to a boarding school, but not for much longer! i'm a senior!!

"umm, not really. i just want to see my brother", i said. but ms jett understood me,

that and the fact she just told everything to my parents.

"well, that's fun! what are you two going to do together?" she made me think. i didn't know what me and brother were going to do together. i just wanted to see him and give him a big hug, i haven't seen him since freshman year. the year i left for boarding school. in the summertime, i go home with my mom and dad and that's always very fun but my brother hasn't been there since he's always with his friends. the "beta squad". i have a love-hate relationship with them, im glad my brother found real friends he can be happy with but i also hate them for "stealing" my brother from me.

"y/n?" i immediately 'woke up' from my daydream. "sorry!!" i apologized, but was i sorry?? not really.

"y/n, you need to start paying attention to me. i understand that you are very excited to be going back home for good but you still need to be paying attention." ms jett said. i understand her. she's stressed out but doesn't say she is because she doesn't want me to be stressed out for her.

"i know, im really sorry." this time i actually meant it because i could tell she was getting stressed out by me, and i felt bad.

"thank you." ms jett said. she sounded relieved somehow?? she checked her watch and raised her eyebrows "lunch is ending soon, its time for you to get to your ceremony!" she smiled

i sighed "ugh i just want to get it over with already!"

ms jett chuckled. "come on, i'll walk you down" she got up and grabbed her keys to lock the door

i got my bookbag and followed her. we went downstairs to the gym, that's where the ceremony was held. once we got there, i realized i was a little late. whoops. i quietly took a seat and waited for my name to be called, occasionally clapping for my friends as they received their diplomas.

they did it in last name order, mine was O so i had to wait. but soon enough it was my turn and as i was walking up to the stairs, jasper, the school's jock tried to trip me!

luckily my senses knew to always be aware, i mean bffr i grew up with nigerian parents. he and his friends laughed but whatever, im only here to get my diploma and make my parents proud.

i made it onto the stage but i still heard their snickers. it bugs me when he does this.

anyways I GOT MY DIPLOMA!!! i walked off the stage and for the first time in a while, i felt proud of myself. i noticed ms jett was still standing there, by the doors of the gym. she signaled me to come over and so i did. she gave me a big, warm hug. she also congratulated me which made me really happy. i said thank you with a big fat cheesy smile on my face. i felt like the grinch when his heart grew 3x.

my phone buzzed in my pocket, i pulled it out and seen i got a messasge from my mom.

my phone buzzed in my pocket, i pulled it out and seen i got a messasge from my mom

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you quickly read that, then look at ms jett. "my family is here, i have to leave". ms jett looks up with.. tears in her eyes?

"you okay?" i laugh "yeah... just sad to see you leave" ms jett said and smiled as she wipes off her tears. she wraps her arms around me and give me a big hug. i hug her back, throwing my arms on her back. "let me walk you out" she says

"okay, my parents are outside ms roberts class" i say hi with a smile on my face "oh thats perfect!" she replies

me and her walk out of the gym to the cooking room and i see my parents standing there with a smile on there face when i excitedly hold up my dimploma.

my mom hugs ms jett and my dad shakes her hand. "are you ready to go?" my dad asks. i look behind me at ms jett and she smiles and nods her head, i look back at my parents and nod.

we start to walk out and i hear ms jett say "dont forget to email me!!" i laugh and throw a thumbs up in the air.

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