after Planet have left outside the pixie dust tree
she went to the library to see if talentless fairy
have heard of before and how they have dealt
with all this as its talentless fairies
Planet: Mmmm there must be a book about a
talentless fairies so i'm not crazy (she looked around)
after looking around she saw something that looks
promising after a bit
Planet: AHA, GOT IT! (she grabbed the book)
Scribble: Mmm? (he wonders out loud)
Planet: oh, nothing, i just found something i'm
looking for is all, hehe (she chuckles)
Planet: Mmmm let's see what's in this book
after skipping some pages she found something
which tells how the talentless fairy discovered its
own talent and it goes on an dangerous adventure
to discover its own talent
Planet: Mmmm, on an adventure huh? (she said
thinking out loud and looked around)
Planet: i don't like the idea of it but maybe i can give it a
shot and test it all out somewhere (she puts away the
book to think up about something)
Planet: Mmmm where should i start?
(she thinks out loud)
Planet: wait...maybe i can ask Zarina, she have dealt with
this when she was younger...yes let's do this!
and just like that, she flew to Zarina at her house to
ask for the advice without doing the damage
Planet: Zarina are you there? (she asked while knocking)
Zarina: oh hey Planet what's up? (she asked friendly)
Planet: i have questions and in it involves your experiences
so can i come on? (she asked calmly)
Zarina: sure, come on in and make yourself comfortable
(she answered as she closed the door right after Planet
is inside her house)
Zarina: what is it? (she asked)
Planet: how did you discover your talent?...i mean yeah
you left pixie hollow after you thought nobody wanted
you here and joined the pirates and became the person
you wasn't so proud of it but i meant like how did you
experienced this before you discovered your talent?
Zarina: it's a long story, i hope you don't mind? (she
shrugged her shoulders and had the concerned look)
Planet: i don't mind at all actually, i have nothing else to do
at this moment here
Zarina: okay so here's the story
she told Planet her history about how she have experienced
everything with the situation she was once in and stuff, why
she reacted the way she did and became mean, stealing the
blue dust, got almost everybody to sleep and how the girls
talents got switched, how the pirates were using her
eventually and everything else
Planet: wow that's so messed up and i'm so sorry you went
through all that
Zarina: it's okay everything happens with a reason but
if the girls wasn't there to save me, i'd be dead a long time
ago once James trapped me in a lattern
Planet: that's right, i hope he stays away from here if
something bad happens to all of us
Zarina: yeah me too but don't end up like i did when
you try to discover your talent (she nodded with
concern Planet might do the same thing like she did)
Planet: i promise i won't be stupid
Zarina: good, now be careful discover your talent
i can't think up with something other then this but i
do hope you liked this chapter, i want to mess things
up but i'm not so good at this, it's based on her talent
she'll know each planets, countries and language, she
can sense when others don't tell her the truth and she
might can sense auras when dangers are near by or
when she sees dangers from far, she can like teleport
she likes to explore or places she simply wants to go
that's in her mind, she can heal things, even fires
and snows/ice so it can dissapear in no time, she
have telepathy so she can read other people's minds
she can slow things down and even can place things
in opposite directions (most likely waves like maybe
characters with water and music elements but more
like an angel version of it)
it's rather more healing powers then attacking powers
but she does have attacking powers i just can't come
up with something so if you come up with something
don't hesistate to share them so i can make the next
chapter very soon so i can mess the story up so
Planet will become a mean fairy like Zarina did but
more like how Tinkerbell ruined spring with the
sprinting thistles kind of way
The Pixie Hollow Adventure
Fantasythe story is about 2 girls who are antagonist untill a event have happened that will change everything, how are others gonna deal with this?