Chapter 1

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"Why did you stay when you knew you'll be destroyed along the way?"

A question I have received multiple of times and honestly...maybe I was a naïve girl who went with the flow and backed by irrational feelings for a person; my senior- Salman. 

I could remember that day like it was yesterday. The day I got my college entrance test result and it didn't reach the grade cut off of accountancy. He was the first person I talked to for some reason. Our conversation was really short but precise. 

Him: "So what's your 2nd choice?"

Me: "I'm thinking, maybe international relations"

Him: "NO! stay. Stay in CBAA (college of business administration and accountancy"

Me: "Oh yeah, I guess, it won't hurt to try"

Me: "I think I'll enroll in business administration"

Him: "Nice! Which department?"

Him: "There are 3 departments"

Me: "Really?"

Honestly, he already got me at "NO!" but I'm not admitting that. So that's what I did. And now I'm in the beginning of my 2nd semester as a 2nd year in accountancy, still wearing self-hatred and toxic comparison as my uniform as I look at people, younger than me, enjoying their status as a "regular second year". I hate my self for feeling this way but somehow, it makes sense.

"Malak, what are your subjects this semester?" I brought out my schedule and showed layla "I have business tax, Intermediate accounting, cost accounting, and business law for majors" She smiled so bright and showed me her schedule "we got the same schedule!!!" I laughed and  took my schedule back "It's good to know I have someone with me in the classroom" She excitedly nodded "anyway, I have to go, see you tomorrow" Honestly speaking, I am not too excited as I have to deal with the dreadful thought of meeting the terror teachers who gave me the failing grades last year but I am aware this is my redemption era and I should make the most out of this. I went to the library to pick up some reference books and went home to study in advance for business tax and law as I know I have to do well in these although my mental health is not in the best state.

"Malak, don't forget to fold the clothes, if you have time to use your phone, you will have time to fold the clothes, don't forget to cook for dinner too, you can study later" I sighed as I dropped my things on the bed and prepared myself to cook dinner then fold clothes cause I know it is better in terms of scheduling. Literally that is my schedule now as the semester goes through. This day is tiring as I sat through the day in 2 of my subjects that are 3 hours each, as much as it was tiring, in the end it was fun compared to an online set up. "Malak, have you contacted your brother? wasn't he coming home today?" I nodded as I placed the dishes on the table "Yes mom, he said that he is on the road around 10 minutes ago, anyway, come, let's eat"

Retiring to your room, after a long day is a bliss and taking a moment to scroll through your phone after, is a taste of heaven "MALAK! STUDY! I better not see you using your phone! you have not showed me your grade card last semester, so I shouldn't see a single failing grade" and just like that, I had to get my ass up and start advance reading  taxation. As I don't have any plans to fail this subject. Just as the night went through, I received a notification from our org. president "Good evening everyone, hope all of you are doing well, tomorrow is the day where we will be having the seminar for the 4th years, do note, everyone is required to come as attendance per committee will be checked, wear our federation jackets; the periwinkle color, 7am, agriculture building, good night"  I sighed and looked at the clock which read 1:47am. I sighed and set my phone for 6am alarm and fixed my things for tomorrow (including the box for the kittens I put up for adoption.

Would I have known that the twist of my life would come tomorrow.

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