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"Sky! You can't wear that, you look you're going to summon Satan!" Taylor, my sister, says to me. Literally I'm in a black and white Falling In Reverse t-shirt with ripped black skinny jeans and my Doc's.

"Fuck off Tay." I snap, you see my family is not about all this "band stuff."

But she skipped down the narrow hallway in her little preppy outfit that makes me cringed. We are supposedly twins but she is so much prettier and everyone has always favored her. Not to mention she is going to college in less than 5 months and I'm going to be sneaking around getting shitfaced and high. I do not have many friends but the small group that I do have.. Well we are pretty much outcasts.

"Skyler!!! Let's go before we are late! This is important to me!!" My mom calls from downstairs, she has this job opportunity for some big company that I could care less about but there is a giant free buffet and that is really the only reason i'm going.


We pull up to a massive mansion with a driveway filled with expensive European cars. I ignored the shrewd looks I got as I walked to the door with Taylor and my mom, a short man answered the door with a smile and welcomed us in. A middle aged man with salt and pepper hair and a navy blue suit walked up to my mom and hugged her like they were dating...

"Hello Jane it is nice to see you again," again? "are these two your beautiful girls?" The guy looks directly at me and for once talked to me before my sister.

"Hello i'm Christopher, what's your name?" I looked over to my mom like a 4 year old would do when they did not know what to say and she nodded.

"Uh... Sky.. Skyler." fuck I stuttered.

"That's a beautiful name," he said and turned to Taylor "And you most be?"

"Taylor, I must say it is truly great that you are offering this job to my mo-"

"Yeah, yeah, make yourself at home you two," HA! "Jane come with me, there are some people I want you to meet." He took my mom's hand and dragged her away, Tay turned to me, huffed and walked away to find someone to start up a conversation with. I rolled my eyes and went the opposite direction to find a corner to sit in.


After ten minutes of searching the whole damn house for a corner to sit in, I found one. It was plush off-white with three seats, I plumped down and closed my eyes and put one ear bud in my ear. After what felt like a lifetime, I heard that guy... Christopher yelling to someone


I opened my eyes and saw a boy with black hair that fell perfectly over a face that God himself sculpted. His smile and nose ring and eyebrow ring and the way his adam's apple moved as he laughed... oooh... his laugh. It took me a minute to realize he was basically naked, and he grabbed two pillows from next to me and stared into my eyes and stopped. His eyes were a cool blue... he started to blush and covered his "junk" and took to the stairs nearby, all the muscles in his body flexed, and I caught myself staring in his direction, even after he was gone. I put my head back to recap the bautiful mess I just saw.

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