Following Jake

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He was holding my hand as we walked side by side through the balcony doors and up a flight of stairs, how big was this damn house.

"Woah" I said breathlessly. We were in a huge open room that had a small window you could climb through and sit on the roof.

"Come on," Jake said and climbed through the window and offered a hand "it's okay."

I hesitated but worked up the courage and followed through the window. The view was beautiful it overlooked the backyard... It was just beautiful. There were no other words.

"This view is just... beautiful" I said and smiled at the sunset, for once I felt happy and... it was all because of him.

"Yeah it sure is.." I looked over at him and he was looking at me, that was so corny but fucking adorable at the same time.


It was now pitch black and it must have been pretty late but the party was still going on and I had no calls from my mother so I guess she's still here. Jake and I passed the hours by talking. I have no idea what is with this boy but he makes me feel like I have a reason in this world... This whole thing seems like one of those stupid love stories, it's mine to write though...


I was getting pretty tired and somehow we ended up laying on the roof, I was nestled under his arm my head on his chest. I wish it could always be like this, my phone vibrated and I pulled it out of my pocket and checked the caller ID, Mom. I picked up, she was drunk but she basically told me that she was staying with Jake's dad and that my sister got a ride home and that I would need to find one too. I remember the way here so I think I'll just walk.

"Hey," I whispered into Jake's ear and his eyes fluttered open I didn't realize he fell asleep "I have to walk home. My mom is staying here for the night."

"Walking?" He propped himself on his elbows and yawned.

"Yea I-"

"I'm walking you home then." He said and smiled. I really was enjoying his company so I didn't protest, we got up and made our way back to the entrance of the house.

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