Chapter Twelve - Escape

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Well 'shrivel up and die' was right. He looked like he would crumble at any moment. 

"Baby? Is that really you under there?" She knelt down and leaned in close. Sure enough, it wasn't an old man at all - it was Orm, her Orm, beneath all that hair. 

 "Oh shit. Oooo, you look rough..." She winced. "You look awful."

He chuckled a little.  "Thank you." He was gripping her arms as though they were the only lifeline he had.  "I thought I would never see you or Opal again, or anyone for that matter. Aurelia," he panted. "What are you doing here?"

"What am I doing here? I came to break you out of course - surprise!" She did jazz hands. 

"But this goes against the treaty with the Fishermen - this will be considered an act of war-"

"Yeah, yeah I know, we've been through this already, that's why I came on my own - well, not entirely, but that doesn't matter right now. What matters is we're getting out of Azkaban. Can you stand?"

Shakily, and holding onto her for support, he got to  his feet.

Her expression hardened. "I'll kill them all for this."


"I'm so sorry this happened to you. They should have never come for my family-"

She was cut off then by a blaring alarm, deep with in the cavern, echoing off the endless stone walls. 

"Shit - okay, come on Castaway, grab Wilson and let's roll!" She clapped for emphasis. "Let's go, come on!"

She wanted to run, but Orm couldn't move very fast.  And so as fast as they could they made their way through the cavernous maze and to the exit - which was sealed shut.

"Oh no, no, Topo where are you?" 

"Topo?" cried Orm.  "The cephalopod?" 

"Yeah, our childhood pal. Yo To!" she called, her voice echoing off the walls.  "TOPO!"

But there was no response.

Suddenly, the hall filled with armed vampire guards, blocking the way they had come. There was no escape. 

"Was this part of your plan?" Orm asked. 

"No..." She recalled Nereus's words: "If they catch you, they'll bleed you dry."

Well shit. 


Aurelia tried her best to punch her way out of this, but the element of surprise had really helped last time, and her efforts proved futile. Both were hit with the tasers and dragged back the way they had not so quickly come from. Instead of taking them back to the prison cell, they were brought to a couple of rock slabs - which looked very sacrificial.

She was tossed down onto one of the slabs, Orm on the other right beside her. Now the guards gathered around, creating a tight circle around them.

Oh this was so not good. And so not according to plan. 

Where the hell was Topo?!

The guard standing closest to them withdrew a long, curved blade from his robes. 

"You can't do this! We're the King and Queen!" she shouted. She may have hated the role, but she used the flex whenever she could. 

But clearly this meant nothing to them. All the guards were now growling and howling in unison, in excitement. 

Everything I Am - Orm Marius/Ocean MasterWhere stories live. Discover now