Chapter 1 (Magnolia): No Idea

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Copyright © 2024 by GroveltoHEA

The first time I met Magnus Wakefield, I'd felt tiny sparks exploding inside of me, and I was quite sure I'd never experienced anything like that before. It was much more than an uplifting of my spirits, more than an attraction to a handsome man, more than that first rush of love. It was an awareness that he was important to my life. In the six months we'd been together, that feeling hadn't faded one bit. I still felt the energy surging through me whenever I saw Magnus; it was nothing that I'd ever felt before for a man and it filled every last inch of me.

Tonight, my class had been canceled at the last minute -- so when I was faced with a free Thursday evening, I headed straight for the clubhouse where I knew I'd find Magnus. Nobody paid much attention to me since the brothers were all focused on a college football playoff game and were well into their beers. I headed toward Magnus's room and saw his door was slightly ajar. Unless you pushed it shut hard from the inside, his door didn't always latch closed.

Hand on the doorknob, I pushed it open wider, then stopped.

Seeing Magnus fucking the red-haired woman took a minute for me to process. It was one of those moments where what was so obviously happening didn't really register in my mind until it was broken down into parts.

My beautiful, tanned Magnus, his powerful body naked, was moving in a way I knew well but had never seen from this side view.

A beautiful woman was under him, also naked, her legs around his waist, her hands buried in his dark, shoulder-length hair.

His hips were driving his hard cock into the woman. Slap, slap, slap.

His face was strained, taut, his groans telling her he was about to come.

The woman, knowing it, urged him harder, faster, deeper, Warlock.

Magnus was asking her, You close, Lamia?


Magnus shouting as he came, right after the woman screamed his name as she did the same.

Afterward, I would always swear I felt my heart crack open in that moment as my mind finally absorbed and accepted as fact the scene playing out in front of me. As it did, something long buried inside of me erupted and surged through my body so powerfully that I stiffened right before I fell to the floor in a dead faint.

"Noli, come on sweetheart, wake up. Please wake up." A deep, velvety voice was pleading with me.

I knew that voice, and more, I loved that deep voice, so I swam up through the murkiness toward it, kicking hard to reach it even though something was tickling the back of my mind.

"Noli? Magnolia, wake up for me. Wake up. Now." The voice had turned demanding, laced with an undercurrent of fear.

I also knew those hands rubbing my own hands. A thought floated into my mind that those thick, blunt hands shouldn't be on me. Why?

"Maybe slap her," a female voice suggested. Almost bored.

A female voice.

Harder, faster, deeper, Warlock.

You close, Lamia?

"You need to get out of here," he said to her.

My green eyes popped open as a surge of adrenaline rushed through me. Magnus's concerned face was way too close to mine and I was on a bed -- oh, hell no! -- I was on his bed that he'd just been fucking another woman on.

I didn't know it yet, but the magic barreling through my body gave me the energy, even after fainting, to scramble off that contaminated mattress, my foot getting caught in Magnus's legs so I spilled to the floor, landing hard on my hands and knees. Even as he grabbed for me, I skittered away from him, eyes panicked as it all flooded back to me, and I held out my hand to ward him off. My eyes flicked from Magnus to the woman -- Lamia -- to the door.

The woman was wearing Magnus's T-shirt and Magnus was still naked, causing me to almost gag in disgust. He must have jumped straight from the bed to me when I'd fainted, and his hands -- hands that had touched this woman, had been touching her body, had somehow removed the condom covered with her -- had touched me. His body that had just been joined with this woman's had been hovering over me while she was hovering in the background.

I skittered closer to the door.

"Noli, no," he said angrily. "I'm not letting you run out of here. You just motherfucking fainted."

The door was five feet away, and I had my back against the wall now so I pushed myself into a standing position. My eyes kept darting between Magnus and his fuckbuddy, and while she looked smug and amused, Magnus looked like he was about to lose his shit in a serious way.

He looked like he realized he was about to lose me when I walked out his door. You lost me when I pushed open the door to your room and found you balls deep in another woman.

Why he'd care after what I'd just witnessed, I couldn't guess. Maybe he'd wanted to tell me it was over in his own time? Maybe he was afraid I'd go psycho? Whatever his reason, he was poised to spring at me, and I couldn't let him touch me. I already needed to go home and scrub my skin raw, make an STD appointment, scrub my skin raw again another thirty or so times and then erase Magnus and his community-property dick from my memory banks.

Despite having just fainted for the first time in my life, I felt that strange energy pulsing through me. I felt strong, powerful like I never had before in my life. Without warning, with my eyes still on Magnus, I gathered that energy and dove for the door, pulling it shut behind me.

"Just stay in there and don't even think about coming after me!" I shouted, just as I heard Magnus reach the door. He rattled the doorknob but couldn't open the door, and however the hell that had happened, I didn't waste time wondering.

He was bellowing my name and throwing himself against the door as I headed down the hallway toward the clubhouse doors, ran outside and bolted for my car. Forcing myself to drive slowly past the line of bikes on the way to the gate so the prospect wouldn't feel the need to stop me for driving like a bat out of hell, my hand rose as if of its own volition as I flipped off his precious Harley. Just as I passed it, his bike fell into pieces.

I hadn't the first clue as to what was happening, but as I drove away from the clubhouse, I realized my car was heading somewhere and I had no idea where.

Copyright © 2024 by GroveltoHEA

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