Megami subjects

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After Megami was done making her subject she sit done and rested still watching her subject. Shinda: A female. "Huh what is this?" "I feel like I been put into a new body." Kami: A male. "I agree, I also feel like I been blessed with a new body." Hoseki: A Gem-human. "Why am I like this?" "I feel like this is a new chapter in my life." Tenshi: A angel. "What with my wings on my body?"

Megami: The God. "Hello my subject, I created you cause I felt like I needed something new in my life"

Shinda: "Why us?" "What do you see in us?"
Megami: "I see beauty and perhaps peace in your souls."

Kami: "I always felt like one body I was gonna get a new body."
Megami: "That right now I must go now,I got to create more subjects."

Hoseki: "I noice how my body looks I have hooves for legs, pointy ears, a big gem on my chest, and hands for arms." "Hmm I wonder why she gave me those for?"

Tenshi: "I still wonder why she gave me angel wings and white clothes?" "She must love the color white."

As Megami made more subjects for her kingdom name them after Items in Japanese
Gado: "Huh what is this?" "Is this new life and perhaps peace?"
Megami: "Welcome my subject to your new life, you will serve me."
Gado: "Umm well I don't know what is this feeling I feel?"
Megami: "It just the feeling you feel new."

Yari: "Huh who are you, what are you?"
Megami: "Calm down I'm your creator."
Yari: "You don't seem like someone who creates beings."
Megami: "Well I not my fault." "Now you server me."
Yari: "Well I live to serve you, my spear."
Megami: "I'm not a spear but that works too."

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