Chapter One/Prologue: Let's-a Go, to Adventure!

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OC's in this Chapter will be posted after I get off work

Welcome to the Passion Project of this year!!!
This IS NOT an Smg4 Fanfic

This is a Fan Made Mario and Luigi Saga Story involving some OCs and a Fan Made Kingdom!!
I really hope you enjoy, this was really fun :D


Mario and Luigi were at their house, outside. Luigi was putting Laundry on the clothesline as Mario talked to him, their conversation was cut short when a Mail Toad approached their house

"Good Morning Mario and Luigi!" He greets upon seeing the brothers

"Hello Toad" The brothers greet as Mario approached him

The Mail Toad went into his bag and pulled out a Letter with a Bean Bean Kingdom Coat of Arms on it "Special Express Delivery from the Bean Bean Kingdom, It has the Coat of Arms on it, so it must be important"

"Thanks so much Toad" Mario took the letter from him

"See you two around!" Mail Toad waves as he walked off

"Bean Bean Coat of Arms?" Luigi questions, coming up next to Mario as Mario opens the Envelope "You think Queen Bean, Lady Lima, or Prince Peasly need our help or something?"

Mario began to read through the Letter "I-It's not them at all..." He shows Luigi the letter "It's Professor Egadd, H-He says it's Urgent and we need to get there right away!"

"Well, what are we waiting for!? Let's-a Go!" Luigi spoke quickly and the Duo quickly made their way to the Bean Bean Kingdom


"Mr. Egadd Sir" Starlow starts "Could you please tell me why I'm here? What's so urgent?"

"Patience my dear Star Sprite" Egadd was pacing around his Cafe, Starbeans Cafe in the Bean Bean Kingdom...He seemed less worried and more excited "We must wait for Mario and Luigi"

Starlow was silent for a moment before looking at Egadd with a Neutral Face "This isn't as Urgent as you made it sound, is it?"

Before Egadd could reply, the bell of the Cafe rang, Starlow and Egadd turn around to see the Mario Brothers step inside. Then Egadd spoke "Ah! Mario and Luigi, I was just talking about you!"

"Professor!" Luigi immediately went over to Egadd, clearly worried from the letter "A-Are you okay!? A-Are you hurt!? Wh-What happened!?"

Egadd laughs, gently patting Luigi on his hand "Now Now, My boy, I appreciate your Concern, but Nothing is Wrong"

"But..." Mario pulls out the letter from his Overall Pocket "You said 'Mario Brothers, It is of the utmost importance that you two make haste to the Bean Bean Kingdom and my Starbean Cafe, It is Urgent'' Mario turns the letter to face Egadd, pointing to the Coat of Arm of the Bean Bean Kingdom "You even put the COA on it..."

"Hey...Mine said something like that too..." Starlow adds

"That was the only way I could ensure you got my message right away, It is in fact Urgent, just not in the Dangerous way you thought..." Egadd explains

"Oh, thank the Stars" Luigi sighs in relief

Mario puts the letter away "So...Why are we here"

"I've whipped up a new invention, One that could quite possibly bring about the Future of all the Kingdom's in the region! And Possibly even Beyond!" Egadd holds his arms out with a grin

Starlow approaches him a bit "A Future of all Kingdoms in the Region and Beyond? That's A tall order...Which is why I need all of Your Help for"

"Sure"Luigi nods with a smile "What do you need?"

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