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Shock poured through me, injecting my blood with ice as I froze. It had hardly seemed possible- not so soon, at the very least. My thoughts had been so distracted lately with my newly-made nuptials and the terrifying national event of my wedding. The Arch-Bishop had presided over the event, swearing me in to be a Princess of England.

My fingers laced around the rich fabric of my gown, my nails digging into the ruched material. It had been woven and sewn by the kingdom's finest tailors- I was still not used to the luxuries of the royal family. Though I had been accustomed to wealth at my own home, it was a squatter's house of squalor compared to the palace.

"Rosalia?" Sebastian's voice- I refused to call him Tristan- projected clearly through my door. I stiffened, almost afraid that he could read my thoughts. He awaited for me outside our boudoir, yet here I lingered. "Are you ready for dinner?"

"I... I'm feeling a little unwell," I called back, the lie tensing my tone. "Please excuse my absence, I have a headache and feel I should be left alone until the morrow."

With his usual brashness, Sebastian flung open the door, marching towards me. His eyes darted all over me, intent on making an intense study of me. "You are not exceedingly indisposed, are you?" The question was poignant with worry, and I smiled at his concern, laying a hand on his. It was simply typical of him, that he could not take my word for it.

"Perfectly well, apart from the touch of a migraine," I assured him, smiling, feeling the warmth of his hand under mine. He twisted his palm so that our fingers interlocked and a shiver of heat flew through me at his action. "Really, you don't have to worry."

He didn't appear appeased by my reassurance and increased his hold upon mine. Sebastian's expression was fierce, as if I had a chill, he would fight it off with his bare hands.

"I shall call for the physician," he told me, his eyes pressing down urgently upon mine. "Parsons will be just the man to make sure you're fine- and it will set my mind at rest."

"Oh, I will be-" I stopped in my speech, about to decline him. But how else could I be sure unless I had such a physician make sure that my suspicions were correct? My own womanly intuition wasn't quite as direct and correct as a man of medicine might deduce. Uncertainty raced through me. I felt so sure, yet... perhaps I was wrong.

The thought that I might be, left me feeling coldly stripped, as if what might be kept me from the harsh elements of my own sadness.

"Actually," I re-directed my speech, hoping he didn't notice the tremble. "Yes, you may call for Parsons. Perhaps he could prescribe something to relieve the pain."

"Then it is settled," Sebastian agreed. He looked at me a little strangely, though that was no surprise. To have me readily agree to one of his over-worried plans was out of character. I wished to reassure him that it was no illness that beseiged me, but instead kept my peace. If I was wrong, it would be cruel to give him false hope. "I shall have him called at once. Perhaps you will be better after dinner."

"Perhaps," I responded with a smile. My husband (sometimes it was hard to believe I was so lucky) leaned in, gently kissing me. My lips replied to his, not as eagerly as I might have, but with a gentle force. As Sebastian pulled away, I saw a smile graced his lips though his was of the devilish sort that he might once have worn when he fenced with me.

I had missed that smile.

"I shall brave dinner without you then," Sebastian sighed, though the smile stayed in place. "You shall sacrifice me to the remonstrances of my father."

"A sad but slightly entertained train of thought that leads me to," I teased. "It would almost be worth it to go to the dinner just to watch the battle unfold."

A Kingdom's Expectations & A Shocking Revelation {Sequel}Where stories live. Discover now